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[Games] Ohad's April NTNB Round 8
DH(55): Nelson Rodney Jones (RowenaRavenclaw)
DW(53): Tomoko "Tommy" Chiba-Jones (Story & ari.)DD1(27): Blossom Natsumi Jones (AhaRememo)
-DP(27): Riley Takahiro Suzuki (cher529s)
-DD(2): ?
-DS(nb): ?DS1(24): Isidore Hikaru Jones (RowenaRavenclaw)
-DGF(25): Hazel Honorine Chaput (gabiharttt)
-DS(5): Herbert Ulysses Jones (Wordsmith)
-DD(1): ?DD2(22): Ophelia Rei Jones (Story)
DBF (22): James Vespasian Baranowski (cher529s)DS2(20): Claudius Itsuki Jones (Israella)
DGF (22): ?
the year is 2041. Nelson and Tommy are still working, though they've already made retirement plans.Blossom and Riley have officialised their relationship, though not by marriage, as Blossom doesn't believe in the concept. Blossom opened her own tattoo shop, and tattooed each other's initials on their ring finger instead of a wedding ring. Together, they had 2 kids, after they moved to the bustling Santa Monica, where Riley has started working as an architecture consultant for local hotels. Isidore recieved his degree in Anthropology from the New Orleans uni, and decided to marry Hazel in a wonderful ceremony before moving together to Phoenix, AZ, a perfect midpoint between New Olreans and San Francisco. There, Isidore is pursuing his PhD. He has already published his first book in a series of books on Gen Z culture: "Ink and Independence: Tattoos of the TikTok Generation". The book was, of course, dedicated to Blossom. Hazel also studied her trade, women's hairdressing, and is currently working out of her home studio as a barber. The couple also had one more child, a daughter.Ophelia went to college to pursue a teaching degree, and has receieved her BA, starting as an elementary English teacher. In the meantime, her boyfriend, James, moved in with her to a small condo on the east side of SanFran. James started his own business, a boutique crab farm, part of a booming new industry after the fishing ban of 2040. He hopes he can turn a profit.Claudius also went to college, pursuing a master's in Music, hoping to one day be an EDM DJ. In the meantime, though, he DJ's for local raves, to make ends meet. During one of those raves, with the molly still throbbing in his veins, he met his current girlfriend, after a few unsuccessful relationships. DGF crossed the border as a baby, and has called San Francisco her home ever since.---------------
Blossom and Riley's DD's first name is after an Australian actress, while her middle name is a unisex japanese name. The kids' surname is Suzuki-Jones.
DS's first name is after an american singer (specify which one), and his middle name is after a japanese artist (music, painting,animation or acting)Isidore and Hazel's DD's first name is a French-English name, and her middle name is after her grandmother, a black Creole born in the early 90s.Claudius' DGF's first name is a rare spanish name, while her middle name is in the top 50 here
she has 2 spanish surnames.

This message was edited 4/25/2024, 3:38 AM

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Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  Ohad Yigal  ·  4/25/2024, 3:38 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  molly  ·  4/25/2024, 10:20 PM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  AhaRememo  ·  4/25/2024, 1:30 PM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  Story  ·  4/25/2024, 12:24 PM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  Jessica_p  ·  4/25/2024, 10:41 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  ari.  ·  4/25/2024, 8:32 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  cher529s  ·  4/25/2024, 8:22 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  вам что нужно?  ·  4/25/2024, 8:06 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  Wordsmith  ·  4/25/2024, 7:19 AM
Re: Ohad's April NTNB Round 8  ·  RowenaRavenclaw  ·  4/25/2024, 6:34 AM