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Re: Help me name #6 please...
I'm not unhappy. I am, however, a student of environmental science. One day when our planet reaches carrying capacity (it may have already arrived) and there aren't enough resources to sustain you and your then brood of ten or eleven, do take a moment to remember this "unwanted" opinion.
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Well since your a student of environmental science you must know everything.. pfft.Why not aim this at the less than responsible individuals who have multiple children by multiple fathers, live off welfare or are left neglected and for the system to care for? If your so "concerned" about the environment, why don't you just not procreate. With nasty comments like yours I think that might just make a great difference to our planet :)
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I did not pursue an education for it to be unshared, for in doing so, that knowledge would be wasted.
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thats laughable.So you can just assume that no one else here has any knowledge of population or environmental science? Phew.. its such a great thing that we have you otherwise how would we cope!
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This message was edited 3/31/2012, 9:37 PM

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Whether or not you can afford to take care of your brood does not diminish the fact that you are consuming and using up too many resources for the rest of the human population to sustain itself (many now cannot sustain themselves and are dying), not even taking into account future generations stemming from irresponsible overbreeding. Look at a timeline of the number of people living on the planet through the centuries from 10000 BCE until today. I suggest calculating your ecological footprint (there are several calculators online) and see how many earths (plural) it would take to sustain a planet in which every individual made the same choices and lived the same lifestyle as you. Then continue adding one child and see how it increases. A little knowledge can really make a difference.
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Think of this.The majority of developed countries are having negative population growth. The countries that are continuing to grow are those that are under-developed. The best thing for population control isn't to tell a woman in a developed country she's having too many kids, the best way is to get off your butt and head to a developing country to educate people on fertility choices and allow them access to birth control.
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AlsoAll ridiculousness of the original comment aside... guru can have no idea how much "environmental impact" her family makes. It's quite possible that a family of 8 makes much less of an impact than another family of 3 or 4. You don't know how self-sufficient they are, what they buy, how much they repurpose and recycle, etc.
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The ecological footprint of a large family in a developed country far outweighs a family of the same size in an underdeveloped country. In the developed country, people have a higher standard of living and use far more natural resources, natural services, and create far more pollution. A family of eight living in Los Angeles would be a far greater strain on the environment than a family of eight struggling to live off of the land in the Sudan. Also, let's remove political boundaries. We have but one planet, everyone has a bearing on everyone else.
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You know that just by existing here, you're causing so much destruction ... so why haven't you taken the big step, yourself?Please, think a little more about who's responsible for what, and how, before you assail your fellow human beings for their family decisions in this petty and self-righteous way. It's absurd to suggest that you and I can help save the world by suffering small personal sacrifices like having 2 children instead of six. That's not activist.

This message was edited 3/30/2012, 11:03 PM

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It's a matter of manners and taste, guru. If you were addressing someone who already had two or more children and was considering having another child, but was not yet pregnant, I wouldn't really blame you for stating your opinion and your reasons as to why this person should not have another child.But when you are addressing someone such as the OP, someone who is already pregnant, happy and excited about it, it's just in poor taste and rude to bring this up. You don't think she's going to run out and terminate her wanted pregnancy because of what you say, do you? So what's the point of talking like this? To try to make her feel crappy about her pregnancy so that by the time her child arrives, it isn't wanted any longer? the fact is that in her country, obviously, it's legal to have as many children as one wants, so she is within her rights to have a sixth. Much as I may be concerned about overpopulation, I can tell you, I would no more want to live in a country that would force me to abort than I would want to live in a country that prohibited me from aborting.So I suggest you do as vigdis says and devote yourself to curbing global population, if you feel so strongly about it, but remember taste and manners and that there's a time and a place for everything.
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I disagree with you. Being pregnant for the sixth time does not excuse one from being told facts about the impact of their condition on a strained environment. I am also not concerned with perfect politeness to the point of self-censorship of said facts on a message forum which is a constant continuum of venomous rudeness to and from every direction every day.
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Oh, I'm recognizing you from several years ago, you pesky little devil!You're not only unconcerned about "perfect politeness", you're unconcerned about any level of politeness, and you always did like to complain about the "venomous rudeness" that you always brought on to yourself.Remember the lengthy arguments you and I used to get into? Well, they resulted in part because of the fact that you and I both were always determined to have the last word. Thankfully, I've rectified that fault in myself, though I can see that you haven't. So to avoid a lengthy slap-down, which takes up space needlessly and benefits nobody, this will be my last post to you. I will let you have the last word. That's just the kind of woman that I am.
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Thank you for being a shining beacon of reform, an example for us all. @@
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Oh for goodness sake. Put a sock in it.
Your little speech is unnecessary and inappropriate here. We are here to discuss names, and your opinion of family size was not requested.
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This message was edited 3/31/2012, 9:37 PM

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I don't want to trample your right to choose--I just want to point out that it IS environmentally irresponsible, as is my right.
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