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Adrian, Evan, Desmond, or Jonah?
Which is your favorite/order of preference?
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1. Evan (I like Evander as well)
2. Adrian
3. Desmond
4. Jonah
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Evan > Jonah > Adrian > DesmondI like all of these!
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JonahDesmond is more interesting, but not as attractive as Adrian
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Evan, Desmond (Tutu), Adrian, Jonah
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Adrian > Evan >>> Jonah >> DesmondAdrian is just obviously a good name and seems to resist becoming trendy or dated.
I feel like Evan is similar, only it's less classical/international, and I didn't hear it until the nineties.
They have a calm, sane vibe.I know a Jonah who is 18. Because of him I like the name more than I would, but also I have a much geekier image of it than I would have had.
I dislike the sound of Desmond a lot. It just sounds glum and snivelly, to me. I don't mind nicknames Des or Desi, though. Losing that "zmuh" sound.
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All are fine names but my order of preference is as follows:1 Adrian
2 Jonah
3 Desmond
4 Evan
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Evan (love)
Adrian (really like)
Jonah (like)
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I would use Adrian as a fn IRL. I wouldn't use or consider any of the others.
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Jonah >>>>> Evan > Adrian >>> Desmond
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Adrian >> Desmond >>>>> Jonah > Evan
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Jonah is my favourite, I think it has a soft, pleasant sound. Adrian is a close second- it’s very elegant and regal to me. Evan is third, a nice name but feels a little plain to me. Desmond is last because I don’t really like the harshness of the sound. Overall it’s a nice selection of names though!
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Evan, Desmond, Jonah, Adrian
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I love all four, but I'm picking Desmond as my overall favorite right now. It is the one I tend to pick in any either/or situations lately.Then Adrian, followed by Evan, and, lastly, Jonah.

This message was edited 5/4/2024, 7:08 AM

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Evan > Adrian > Desmond > Jonah

This message was edited 5/4/2024, 11:31 AM

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Evan for sure. Personally I love it and find it nicer than all the others.
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