Meaning of the name: Tanina
Can someone help me out with this one. I've been searching for months to find the meaning of this name. It would be very much appreciated if someone can translate this name and origin for me.Female name: TaninaThank you.
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my sister's name is tanina and I want to know where that name comes from?
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REPLYI don’t know the meaning but my name is tanina I am a kid writing this aged 12.
My mum had a friend called Tanina and she named me after her. I have always wondered about my name I think it is a Italian name even though I live in Australia. I have never met anyone with my name but i have met close to me my name. I am a very sporty kid and i have blonde her and blue eyes
31st of December 2017
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The origin of the name tanina is berber the native people of North Africa they had a lot of history with the Roman's mayby that why it look like Italian name but no , the meaning is a mythic beautiful bird (unique). 😉 a
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I named my daughter Tanina in 1976. I was told it meant, little bird. I would like the true meaning of her name. Thank you.
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According to the means Phoenix.
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Hu, today i have found out it is a berber name. It means "fertility". It also transtakes from arabic and means "grateful".
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Please don't say it's arabic because it's not. Thank you.
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Tanina is not a very common name and don't steal the name tanina because in 2020 (right now) Only 1 girl has it! SO LEAVE THE NAME TANINA ALONE!
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I’m trying to find out more about my name lol
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It looks like a pet form of Tania to me.
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To me it seems to be - in Italy at least - a diminutive of Gaetana. A Google search with the two names together "Tanina Gaetana" lists pages like the following from Palermo:
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