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How can I find the meaning to my last name?
How can I find the meaning to my last name?
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Replies if not tool around on the first page of to the side. hope this helps!!!!!
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Or...tell us what it is . You'd be amazed at the useless crap we collectively know...
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na you guys know good crap!!!haha!!!!!!!!!
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Why, thanks Holly...but good or bad, crap is crap. My ol' dad is always fond of saying, "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" I never seem to have a good answer for that one... ; )
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say: never had the chance or waiting on a loan from the bank to start a buissness. and if he asks you what buissness say knowing useless crap!!!! lol. i wouldn't know what to say to that either!!!!!!!and your welcome!!!
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