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Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista
Hi, while looking at some french name I came across Jean-Baptiste, which roughly translates to "John the Baptist", so I looked up their origins and discovered both have Latin origins, so once upon finding them(Jean=Iohannes, biblical Latin, Johannes and Joannes, both late Latin/Roman, as well as for Baptiste=Baptista, Late Latin/Roman) I came up with the idea to combined them, practically taking inspiration from the name Maximilianus, which is a combination of Maximus and Aemilianus. The first combination i came up with was Johaptista, afterwards I used a name combiner website and really only came up with Baptonnes(I personally like this one), Japtista(Sounded to similar to the one I came up with), Joansta(thought it sounded interesting), and Bapannes. So pretty much I just wondering if anyone could come up with a great combination of the Latinized form of this name. So thank you to of whomever reads this weird post and is able to help me.
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Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  sogfrk  ·  2/18/2015, 1:00 PM
Re: Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  LH  ·  2/27/2015, 10:22 AM
Re: Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  Rita  ·  2/22/2015, 4:59 AM
Re: Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  Joiya  ·  2/19/2015, 8:00 AM
Re: Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  Sabertooth  ·  2/18/2015, 4:39 PM
Re: Combine the name of Johannes and Baptista  ·  Sabertooth  ·  2/18/2015, 3:07 PM