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Laikyn & Lauryn
Hello!Can anyone tell me what they think of these name? Laikyn & Lauryn? I think both are beautiful and was just wondering!
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They're nms, but cute spellings! I also like how both have the "yn" ending on your name. Laikyn and Lauryn would also be cute twin names. GL!Maisy
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I like "Laikyn & Kailyn" for twins' names. And I just KNOW that Pavlos is gonna say he likes "Lauryn & Uranyl". ;)-- Nanaea
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How about "Vespasieyn" and "Uranyl"? Those names give me a nice warm feeling...
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Laffin' so hard I......actually, I didn't. ;)-- nanaea
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Oops...I *did* laff... What I meant was that I didn't laff so hard that I... Well, you know. What they do in those Vespasienne-thingies. :)-- Nanaea
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hey my name is laikyn heheh isnt that like soo cool yeh it is soo yeah and like im a pakie and i smeell like pee aand poo and curry yummie
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And here's another name I know. Lauryn is a form of Lauren , of course, or Laura or whatever you want to say. knowledge running thin...'dream', maybe, is the meaning? Don't quote me on that.
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i think all you pple that think my name is gay can go suck a Co*k! i like me name
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