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Search function
I’ve been having some trouble with the search function recently, and would like to know if it’s a system error, or if I’m just using it incorrectly. For context, I’ve been using mobile when encountering these issues. - Words searched for with the meaning criteria don’t always bring up results that have that exact word within double quotation marks. For example, "nosed" will bring up no results when searched for as a meaning, while searching for the term using keywords will bring up Simon and Simonides, both defined as "flat-nosed". - As a further example, searching for "one" in the meaning criteria will not bring up Mona, despite it being given as the meaning in its description. It will, however, bring up any name with the element áss, despite "one" not being anywhere in the description; I assume this is because the element itself contains the meaning "one of the Æsir". - Adding a "-" sign in front of a word in keywords search does not force exclude descriptions containing that word, nor does searching for a word with "is not any of". It will simply treat that word as if it hasn’t been included in the search terms at all. Searching for "-one" on its own will still include all results containing the word, along with ones that don’t; searching for "-one two" will show all descriptions containing "two", incidentally including results that incidentally contain "one", as will searching with "is not any of" and "one +two". - This one isn’t so much an error, more a point of confusion; why does searching for some keywords also give results for extensions of that word ("wealth" including "wealthy"), but not others ("water" excluding "waters")? Sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this kind of question, I haven’t been able to find answers elsewhere.
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Search function  ·  jocatchi  ·  4/8/2023, 11:32 PM
Re: Search function  ·  Mike C  ·  4/11/2023, 2:25 PM
Re: Search function  ·  jocatchi  ·  4/12/2023, 11:28 PM