This is my name, I never used to like it because people called me Bridget but I've learnt to appreciate it now because of its uniqueness.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
Brigitta McBridge is a Disney character who is in love with Scrooge McDuck, but he isn't interested in her. She was created by Romano Scarpa in 1960.
The name is very unusual, and I like rare and unique names. I have a friend with the name, and it defines her beauty :3.
Used in Russia. Written Бригитта.
Brigitta is also the Italian variant.
Brigida is actually the dated variant.
Hungarian pronunciation: BRI-git-taw.
Hungarian pronunciation: BRI-git-tah.
I think Brigitta is quite pretty. It's a variation of Briget which I also love.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Brigitta here:
Pronounced bree-GIT-tah in Germany. [noted -ed]
Brigitta was used as the name of the third von Trapp daughter in the movie "The Sound of Music". Brigitta's character represented the real third daughter, who was named Hedwig.
My name is Brigitta and I used to hate it because everybody would call me bur jee tta when it is bri gee ta. But now I am more found of it because some people say it is pretty.
One of the von Trapp children in Sound of Music was called this.

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