Comments (Pronunciation Only)

MY name is Charis but every one pronounces my name Chair-is I have to say Charis rhymes with Paris. In the end I just changed my name to Kharis. I really understand what everyone with this name goes through.
I'm Charis and I'm always being called ch-aris or sh-arees and I was once called Charles lol, although I do like the name.
My name is Charis. And many people call me CH-ARIS or KR-EEZ or CHAR-IS or just god knows what. But actually it is pronounced as K-ARIS like Christmas or charisma. It's frustrating how no matter how much I tell them that I know how to pronounce my name and it is not CH-ARIS they don't believe me because so many people say it that way.
Since I'm Greek and I'm called Charis (or Χάρις in Greek) I know pretty well that in our language letter X is somehow pronounced like an H. So in Greek it sounds more like the name Harry, or like Harris! :)
The only person I've ever known with this name pronounced it CHAR-is. Since that was my first exposure to the name, that is how I tend to think of it, and I think it sounds very pretty. However, the KAR-is pronunciation is pretty too, and no doubt more correct.
In Greek, the letter Chi, transcribed as "ch", makes an aspirated "h" sound. It's a bit softer than the German "ch" sound, as in Bach.Just pronounce it with a "k" sound, as you would pronounce "charisma" or "Christmas".
My best friend is called Charis spelt this way, and her's is pronounced Karis. Many people get confused and call her Ch-aris, or Char-ees. Is Carys pronounced K'reez or Karis?
In Greek the name is Χάρης which would be pronounced with an H, Haris Vlavianos (Χάρης Βλαβιανός) is a Greek poet. I think this wiki has better info on the correct pronunciations
There may be a lot of ways of pronouncing it, and that's what's funny about it. The right way to pronounce it according to the English transliteration of the Greek letter "Chi" is Kah-ris. The Google translator pronounces it "Chair-is", but that's unrelated, and doesn't come from the Greek word. Google doesn't recognize it because it's not in the English dictionary. My opinion is Kah-ris is the right way, and any other way would sound tacky.
My mother found this spelling in a Greek history book "Charis" and that is how I spell my name. However, it is pronounced Sha-REES. I know of another who uses the same pronunciation but a different spelling. In looking up the meaning of the name, I have found that it means charity as it relates in the Bible.
In Greek this is pronounced hah-rees. The CH- sound like an H.In an English speaking country I'd go with KA-riss, though.
I know a girl named Charis (rhymes with ferris.)
This name is pronounced KAH'ris or KAR'is. In Greek it's pronounced HA'rees. It's one of the coolest names out there and anyone would be fortunate to be given this name. This is also my name and I have to say I never had a bad day.
Pronounced "chah-RIS".
My name is Charis pronounced Char-is. I have met more people who pronounce it Kar-is which I call the Greek pronunciation. From the little I have found the Char-is pronunciation came from the English or Welsh. Has anyone heard anything about this way of saying Char-is?
While my name and almost every other Charis or Karis I've met is pronounced Care-ris (like Paris), I've also met a girl who pronounces it Chair-ris. Though I agree that I've never met a Sha-REES or Ka-REES before.
You pronounce it ca-ris not kayrees. And believe me I should know because I'm called Charis. But I love knowing the history of my name very intersting, but also the name means love not just kindness.
The usual pronunciation of Charis is KA-riss, rhyming with "Harris".
I agree, the name is actually pronounced KAH-riss or Kar-riss (rhymes with Harris), and not Shah-reez or anything like that. In Greek it is probably spelled Karis (the letter C doesn´t exist in the Greek alphabet as far as I know).
The Greek letter Chi is usually transliterated CH.

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