Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ugly spelling. Leave it to the Lord of the Rings character.Eleanor is much better.
I used to love this name simply as my favorite variant of Eleanor - a beautiful name regardless of spelling, but I thought Elanor suited the pronunciation better and looked more rounded. But now that I've read The Lord of the Rings, this name is so much more meaningful, and I love it even more. The nickname Ellie is especially sweet, and could be a potential alternative to go by that won't get misspelled like the full name.
It looks like it would be pronounced El-ah-nor. Don't name your kid this. Stick to Eleanor!
My name is Elanor (it was picked specifically from lord of the rings) and almost everyone else spells Elanor “Eleanor”. My teacher actually came up to me in 7th grade and asked if I spelled my name wrong. Lol.
I love Sindarin names, and Elanor is definitely one of my favourites.
I named my firstborn daughter Elanor after the flower in Lothlorien and Sam Gamgees daughter. Have to admit I shed a little tear at the end of the first of the LOTR trilogy. With a second name of Percival and its connotations with the Arthurian legend of the Holy Grail and Knights of the Round Table, I thought it would be a good start in life. She loves it.
My absolute favorite name! I love it so much! Not only is it a fresh and beautiful rendition of a classic name, it has a Tolkien background! Lord of the Rings is such a great book trilogy but I never really thought I could get away naming my child anything obvious like Frodo or Aragorn, but even the name Sam seems to get some association right off. This seemed obscure enough to get away with.
I always thought Eleanor was very elderly, and this spelling seems very youthful. I also dislike the Elinor spelling, it seems a bit incomplete. I hope to name my daughter this, with the nickname Ella.
An absolutely beautiful name. I plan on having this somewhere in my first daughter's name, whether it is her Christian name or her middle name. As a lover of Tolkien yet someone who is doesn't want to call her children obvious things like 'Frodo' and 'Arwen', it is perfect.
And I thought it was a form of Eleanor. This is a beautiful name!
I named my daughter Elanor 30 years ago, and only realized later that I had chosen the Tolkien spelling subconsciously. I'm a huge Tolkien fan, so I was pleased.
I think it's a beautiful name. I'm going to name my daughter Elanor.
I'm an enormous Tolkien fan myself, and I'm already a big fan of the names Ellen and Eleanor, so I'd definitely consider naming a daughter this! It's elegant, feminine and just a little different, yet most people won't have any trouble pronouncing it because it's so similar to Eleanor.
This is such a pretty name! I love the sound and spelling. And it coming from LotR makes it all the better.
My name is Elanor. I guess it is an old and sophisticated name, but I've had it all my life and I'm only 15. I'm the only person I know with this name and I think its very special. My dad is an extreme Tolkien fan and has been for most of his life. By the time I was 10, I had already read the Hobbit and the LotR trilogy twice, and seen Tolkien's grave. Actually, I'm not a very big Tolkien fan myself, I wonder why that would be? =D
Elanor is a son of Sam Gamgee. I always thought Eleanor was somewhat old. I can't imagine a little girl called Eleanor. I also like Elinor.
Ever since I first read The Lord of the Rings and discoverd this name's Sindarin meaning, I have loved it. "Star Flower" is such a beautiful and poetic meaning.
I love this name. I've always love Eleanor but I love this meaning and spelling a lot more.

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