Comments (Usage Only)

This name can also be FEMININE in modern times, making it UNISEX.
This surname is trending for GIRLS in modern times.
In the USA, 256 girls and 14 boys were named ELLERY in 2014 and 2015. [noted -ed]
The name Ellery was given to 145 girls born in the US in 2016.
The name Ellery was given to 254 girls and 13 boys born in the US in 2015.
My daughter's name is Ellery. It is an English gentlemans name (which I was informed of by one such gentleman). However, I chose it because of William Ellery, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. I'm a history buff.
I was surprised to find out that "Ellery" began as a masculine name because I've only met girls with the name. I think it's a lovely name, but I think it's more feminine.
Why does everyone say this is a feminine name, it's my dad's name and it's also my name.

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