Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Super cool name! My first thought is Elvira Mistress of the Dark, which is probably why I like it.
Extremely beautiful name! Absolutely beautiful.
This name is wonderful. I like the meaning and how it looks when it's written.
It's very gnarly in a beautiful way. I only pronounce it as "el-VIE-ruh" because it sounds best that way.
It’s pretty and elegant. I love it and it sounds gothic.
Unique and gorgeous name. Sounds very otherworldly.
I love love Elvira! I also love Elwira, our Polish form of this name. Elvira is sophisticated and strong, smart and elegant, a bit magical, mysterious and fairy-like, and, to me, very very unique and rare. And it has a slightly Gothic, enigmatic feel to it. I much prefer it pronounced as el-VEE-rah than el-VI-rah, el-VIE-rah or however else people may pronounce it across the world.
My grandmother's name was Elvira and I bring it (it's my third name) proudly even if it is so rare and uncommon. I love it's sound- so strong and strange.
Simply beautiful! Positively gorgeous! It almost sounds fairylike. I first encountered it a few years ago while reading books by Elvira Woodruff, and not long after I had a classmate with this name. And the pronunciation makes little difference to me: Elveera or El-vi-ra, it sounds equally lovely.
Huh. I would assume this would be pronounced "El-viy-ra", not "El-bee-ra", as the site says. I doubt that anyone would pronounce it "El-bee-ra" without being told to do so. My impression of this name is that it is very odd, yet looking at it still appears old fashioned. I rarely ever hate a name but I think I hate this one.
I love this name when pronounced el-VY-rah. Although it does kind of remind me of the mean redhead cartoon character, but I can easily look past it. It has a gothic ring to it but it's quite pretty.
Makes me think of elves. I dislike it.
When pronounced el-BEE-rah, this name has an exotic beauty. When pronounced el-VEE-rah or el-VIE-rah, it sounds gothic and gorgeous. Either way, it is a beautiful name, from the way it look to the way its pronounced.
AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL my least favorite name of all time. I remember in 4th grade music class we had to play this annoying song with the same name. Horrid.
I really really like this name. It's so serious.
I think this is a wondrously beautiful name. I like it pronounced with a "v" sound rather than a "b" sound, even though it is Spanish and that is how you pronounce "v". Very lovely, ethereal, dark, Gothic.
I hate this name! It's so, blah! It does sound good pronounced elveera though.
This is one of my favorite names ever! I like it 'cause it has a cool ring to it, very pretty.
I like Elvira pronounced EL-VEER-UH not EL-VY-RUH.
I love this name because it sounds very gothic and scary to me. I also love this name because I am VERY unique.

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