Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I had a student named Enyah, which was so pretty. Hearing the singer, Enya, made me like it even more. It's not a bad association at all. It's a very soft and simple Irish name you don't hear often.
Enya means little fire or kernel of a seed. I am called Enya. I wish I spelt it the other way (Eithne) because it's so much more Irish. And that's important to me. The famous Enya was a singer and I feel like all I do is sing. Don't be afraid to call your daughter Enya because I have not once been bullied about my name. Loads of people think it's so unique and pretty.
I always loved this name and my dear daughter, currently 6 years old I called her ENYA.
I have read other comments that are scary to put this name to your daughter for possible future comments of stupid children. No friends, if you love this name you don't have to ask permission for that. There will ALWAYS be stupid people.Greetings to all from southern Spain.Este nombre siempre me encantó y a mi querida hija, actualmente con 6 años la llamé ENYA.
He leído otros comentarios que da miedo poner este nombre a su hija por los posibles futuros comentarios de niños estúpidos. No amigos, si adoras este nombre no tienes que pedir permiso por eso. SIEMPRE habrá gente estúpida.Un saludo a todos desde el sur de España.
My name is Enya and I like how unique it is.
This is such a pretty name.
Ooh! This is such a beatiful, unique name! I would seriously considering naming one of my daughters this. She would remind me of all the enchanting songs Enya sings whenever I see her. Hopefully, others would as well, instead of teasing her. My senses tingle everytime I hear this name.
This is such an Irish name, too, and I really like it. I might consider naming a daughter of mine Enya, but I'd be afraid that some of the more ignorant children would tease her about her name. But still.
We named our baby girl Enya. Not after the singer. We just love this name! It is so beautiful and special. It suits her perfectly.

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