Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Estelle seems like a beautiful and artistic name.
Sounds like an old lady name to me.
Reminds me of "American boy" by Estelle and Kanye (when he wasn't crazy) which is a good song. It's a very pretty name, too. Also props to whoever chose that pretty star banner for the name to sit on πŸ‘πŸ™.
Estelle is such an underrated name.
So dignified.
A beautiful, special name. My best friend is very lucky to have it, and I would use it for a future daughter to honour her. The meaning β€œstar” is wonderful, and it’s much prettier than the similar Stella and Esther. A rare gem that I hope never gets too popular.
Very pretty. It will seem fresh and current all over again when borne by a young Estelle. I adore the meaning.
Beautiful and lovely, but I don’t like the nickname Essie.
A proud mother with a daughter named Estelle. The only name my hubby and I ever liked when we were dating. 8 years later and when we found out our first was a girl - we both just knew it was meant to be. Still staying strong. Just finished the Cruella movie and even though it’s Estella (and yes that too is pretty). Still the same meaning just Latin version. And even then, not once but phased or anything. Team Estelle all the way! It’s timeless even from when they’re born all the way into adulthood.
I love the name Estelle and I wanna use it for my daughter if I ever have one.
An airy delicate name that I find utterly charming but on the flipside it's a little bougie. (Same re Celeste)
This name is cute! I would use it as a middle name personally but it wouldn’t be bad as a first name. I think I like this better than Stella and Estella.
Much better than Estella. I would use it for definite if my future daughter turns out to be beautiful.
This name makes for such an amazing middle name, I love it!
I am totally using this. Pretty, elegant variant of Estere, Estrella, or Stella. LOVE this name so much, and it's super nice, and has a pretty meaning. Also reminds me of Belle. This is not super common, which makes it even better. It's a SUPERstar name.
I’d love to name a kid this because my best friend's name is Estere and she is strong and beautiful and I wanted to find a similar name to it, Estere also means star.
Very beautiful and underused. I love the meaning as well.
Pretty variant of Stella.
Sounds bougie.
Estelle is a lovely name. Very strong, very beautiful... reminds me of stars. It sounds quite exotic and unique, a more upper class, mature version of Stella. I love the combination Scarlett Estelle.
I named my daughter Estelle because I worked with formal MD of Busy internet Ghana and Google Ghana. I searched into the name and she exhibits the exact behavior of the name "STAR". I think it is a nice name and simple and sweet.
This name is beautiful and not very common. I love the meaning, star!
Estelle is a beautiful name which would suit a person of whatever age.
Definite baby name! If future husband agrees though. Cannot describe how lovely this is!
My fiancΓ©e's name is Estelle. Unfortunately she doesn't like her name, because she thinks it's too girly, and she herself is not amazingly girly. In my opinion the name isn't necessarily overly girly, rather it has a strong, authentic and vibrant air about it, an elegance that is independent of meekness.
This has been interesting throughout my life, most people have never heard of it, Estelle. I love my middle name. The name Estelle is beautiful. Thanks Mom and Dad for the names. :-)
I think this name is absolutely beautiful and I really hope it doesn't become popular! I met a little girl named Estelle Jane yesterday and she was the cutest thing ever and the name fit her perfectly.
We named our daughter Estelle. We love a lot about the name - it's meaning, 'star', the balance of 'e's make the written name look pretty, the elegant sound on your tongue and the fact that it's not overused. It's more tailored than 'Estella' which to me sounds like the name stella just with an 'E' - In my opinion, not as much of a name in its own right when comparing to Estelle (2 syllables). We do shorten her name at times to just 'Elle' which is very feminine and sweet and she suits it well too. I had always loved the name Elle but couldn't use it as it seemed like it belonged to a longer name. I certainly love older names - I find they have more substance and class;) I see that the name is on the rise and I wouldn't mind if Estelle becomes more popular - but not too popular! Overall - I think Estelle is a classic, timeless beauty;)
This is such a pretty name! I love it!
Estelle is a beautiful, beautiful name. (: I love the meaning 'β˜…'. ^_^ It's so underused which is quite sad and surprising! :(
This name is beautiful. It will fit a girl through all stages of her life. And it has a lovely meaning too.
I want to name a girl twin set Estelle and Celeste. I have to admit, I think I like Celeste more, but it goes so fabulously with Estelle!I'm surprised Estelle isn't more popular nowadays, since "Ella" and "Elle" names, as well as the super-similar Stella, have been very popular recently--not to mention that some old-fashioned names are coming back into vogue. I think Estelle is an old beauty that should be used more than it is. But not too much, of course! ;)
I think this beauty is going to become more popular in the near future. With the trending favorability of names like Elle, Elle, and Stella, Estelle seems like the next logical favorite, and in my opinion, is the most elegant. I think it is gorgeous and could suit a wide range of personalities.
I think it's a really cool name. The way my friend pronounces it Uh-STELL.
It's pretty, but I do prefer Stella. Like slight_night_shiver said before me, it sounds better with the -ella ending.
A cool French version of Stella, and I do prefer Estelle over Stella, plus I like the singer ESTELLE!
I really hope this name doesn't become popular, it would kill me! I'm gonna name my daughter this maybe! I love it. Its most popular year 1908 where it ranked #107.
I love this name! It's so pretty and elegant, and it's not as common as Stella.
I am shocked to learn that this name isn't on the Top 1000 [not that I'm complaining!]. I've always loved it because it's so girly; I didn't realize it was so under-used.
I much, much prefer Estella and Stella. This isn't a bad name either, but it sounds a bit snobby and pretentious because of the (pseudo?)-French ending. Nah, it needs the -ella ending.
Very lovely name in my opinion. It's cute, and I'm using it for a character in a story I'm making!
This is such a beautiful name. It's a shame it's so underused.
This name is so pretty, and I wish I could like it, but it just reminds me of Joey's agent on the TV show "Friends". I can only hear it in this cigarette- ruined voice.
My middle name, though spelled E-s-t-e-l-l. I love this name. Reminds me of an actress.
Estelle is such a beautiful, delicate name. I think it's just so lovely and feminine, it fits best an artistic and elegant person.
This is a nice name and has a poetic meaning. My friend's aunt is named Estelle, but she spells it ESTELE and it is pronounced shorter than ESTELLE, kinda like Esther but instead of the 'r' and with the 'l.'

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