Comments (Personal Impression Only)

"Whatcha doin', Ewan?" Have to say I've known two Ewans in my life (one French spelled Juan) and both were/are direct, intelligent, funny and daring individuals in their own way. Personally I love the name, sound and its Gaelic roots. I'm seriously considering it if the lights turn Blue.
Every Ewan I've met is positively limited in every way, no idea why people would hurt their child like this.
Umm... wha-? Sorry, but this name is confusing. It makes my head hurt...
I can't stand this name. I know two boys called Ewan (and another who I think spells it differently) and they're all loudmouthed, uncouth and stupid, just like their name. It also sounds like "you and": you 'n' me! And a final word: ewwwwww.
How do you pronounce this? Ew-in? That doesn't sound vey nice at all.
I don't like it. It looks like it's supposed to be pronounced "EE-wen", and I get this image of a DJ going, "Ewan Ewan Ewan Ewan!" in this really high voice. I know it's weird, but that's just me.
I didn't think much of this name before, but since I'm a fan of Ewan McGregor I now find it great! Ewan McGregor is amazing! I think of someone like Christian in Moulin Rouge :)
I love both this spelling and the Eoghan spelling.
Well, I still love the name, but I've gotten the impression it's some type of derivative of a Biblical name, and if that's the case, I won't use it. It doesn't sound anything like Eugene or John or whatever it's derived from, but if it is, that's a dealbreaker for me. I still hope this name doesn't become overused in America, as that really ruins good names big time. It is quite overused in Britain, though, and that's too bad.
A name in the Bible is a HEBREW name, not necessarily just a "Bible name". I think it is a very shallow reason to dislike a name because it is found in the Bible. No offense, that's just my opinion.
I love this name and would love to use this for my son if I ever have one. It's short, simple, and mature enough for a man, but not old-fashioned or too ''serious''. It sounds like a name of a fairly intelligent, decent guy.
Well I moved to Germany and had my baby here. My husband got to name him, when I was pregnant we said if it's a boy he gets to choose and if it's a girl then I get to choose. I really was against the name because I knew the Germans would not pronounce it right, I got to pick his middle name Reese and when I'm at the doctors and other places they always shout EE-van (as in VAN (motor) Resuh and they roll the R, it's horrible! But I did get used to it, it really suits him.

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