Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm surprised that so many people don't like this name... I had a friend named this, and really, it doesn't sound bad at all. It doesn't even seem weird. I think it's nice, and I really don't know why so many people can't stand it. Seriously, have any of you actually heard it used, and do you actually know what you would think if you heard it?
I have a friend who goes by this name (nickname for Frances), and I like it A LOT! Personally, I wouldn't name my kid this, but I can assure you that it doesn't sound bad at all on a person. I like the way it sounds, and I wouldn't check it off immediately as a name 'I would never use for my daughter'. :D.
I say this with upmost respect for anyone with these lovely names, but, just like I could never use Delilah or Jezebel I can't use Fancy because I could never name my daughter after someone literally known for their loose morals. It is cute for a cat or dog, though. They don't have to live up to their name, they just have to be cute, or Fancy, as the case may be lol.
Fancy Nancy. I'm sorry, but this is a terrible name.
I absolutely love the name Fancy. I see it has some bad reviews but I think we’re all forgetting that Fancy is the alter ego of the legend (and my personal hero) Reba McIntyre. Reba can do no wrong. Beautiful tunes, her own lipstick brand, and a syndicated sitcom. Reba even portrayed Colonel Sanders with grace. I watched her show every single day after school; hell - I even had her poster up in my college dorm. If Fancy is good enough a name for Reba, it’s good enough for me. As Queen Reba would say - “here’s your one chance, Fancy! Don’t let me down!”.
I really don't Fancy this name. It just doesn't sound right on a human to me.
Nice on a female cat, terrible on a child.
Ridiculous name for a human.
Ugh. I HATE HATE HATE Fancy Nancy, and this is just H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E.
Pretty conceited and ridiculous name for a human.
I don't Fancy this name.
I have lived with the name Fancy as a surname for 60 years. Trust me, as a kid it wasn't fun, but as an adult you are well remembered in business and it's always a great conversation starter. As a surname it has been around since the doomsday book of 1066. The are a dozen definitions since then. As a first name it is rare, likely given as a term of endearment, as in Pansy, Honey or Angel. Fancy that!
Wtf? This is a NAME?! Hell NO! D:
Can also be used as a nickname for Frances or Nancy.
Like most of the other commenters, I really don't think that this is a good stand alone name. Fancy would be an okay nick-name for Frances, but as a first name, it just seems trashy.
Good for pets. Not for people.
I think this is a totally adorable nickname for Frances.Also, I had a pet mouse named Fancypants I called Fancy, which was fun. I thought it was a pretty good pet name.
How would you react if someone said 'hi, I'm Fancy?' Not a good name.
This shouldn't be a name at all. Not even a nickname.
No way. This name should not belong to a real person.
The girl, and later the woman, would get quite a few ''fancy schmansy'' jokes over the course of her lifetime, and the name is quite silly and infantile. How about naming the girl Frances and calling her Fancy?
I'm not sure about giving this name to a human.
I don't really like this name. It sounds like it should be the name of a pet, not a person, to me.
I knew a horse named Fancy. Not a good name for a person.
I think this is a beautiful name! It makes me think of a little red haired girl, who's completely lovely, and not AT ALL trash. It would make a great pet form of Frances. Also, "Fancy", by Reba, is my favorite song.
FANCY giving this silly name to your kid.

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