Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's still rude no matter how you spell it.
No, it's not rude in Sweden and Finland, because it doesn't have a bad meaning in Swedish or Finnish. Not everyone speaks English.
Everyone may not speak English, but I would appreciate it if native speakers of other languages cautioned us anglophones not to use words that in their languages are euphemisms for things like "rear-end"!
Why should natives warn you? It's not an euphemism in our language (only a pretty name), but in yours. You know better.
Actually, leananshae, "fanny" means "vagina" or "vulva" in Britain and Australia; the "rear-end" meaning is mainly limited to the U.S.I would expect people to be a little more mature when they confront words and names from another language that sound rude in their own language.

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