Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is very different and interesting; I like that!
Urgh. I do not care for this at all!
Beautiful yet basic, like the name Flora. Just be sure to not pair them up when naming your children!
Fauna is a sweet, pretty name, even alongside Flora. Though, weirdly, I think they are only beautiful if you say 'Fauna and Flora'. 'Flora and Fauna' sounds like the plant and animal stuff.
Pretty and unique, alongside Flora.
I find it interesting how English culture/speakers tend to hate words-as-names or something similar. So many other cultures and languages name people something in which the meaning is obvious.I digress. I view Fauna on the same level as Flora. I like the names, though 'tis true that naming twins Flora and Fauna does seem a taaaaad overboard, though could work in stories or the likes. I don't see its similarity to "fawn" being a bad thing- fawns are cute, aren't they?
I like this name a lot. It is a lot less common than Flora, and personally I find it difficult to understand why it hasn't skyrocketed upward on the charts, like Ava or Madison, because it is so unique and beautiful. It is one of those names that, upon hearing it, you instantly assume that the bearer will be pretty.
I don't like it. It seems to nature-centric for me. Plus, I actually DID meet a pair of twins called Flora and Fauna, poor things. And they had a brother called Bambi and a sister Nightinggale. I can't imagine what was going on in their parents' heads.
I really like this name for whatever reason. It sounds a bit ditzy, but that's okay with me.
Hmm, I happen to find this name very pretty.
I can't believe I used to like this name. It sounds stupid, frilly, and like "fawn". And naming twins Flora and Fauna is so ghastly and hideous it's not even funny.
Aww, I think this name is so cute and nice, even if they were at/near an old age, this would still sound good. I think of little fawns and deer and mice when I hear this cute name.
Sounds quite weird because of the ''flora and Fauna'' thing. Could lead to some jokes about animals, and this rhymes with 'sauna'. I hope no one has had daughters, especially twins, named Flora and Fauna!

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