Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds modern and direct. He’s handsome, strong and sensitive. Finn is a good guy.
I love the name Finn! I think it is really cool.
Isn't it obvious by all means that this name is used in Finnish itself, as well as the other Nordic languages?
No idea why it's not listed.
I know a lot of little boys named Finn. Sorry to see so many negative comments about it. I think it's handsome, although I prefer Phineas.
Being a near religious cartoon lover, all I can think of is Finn the Human from Adventure Time. Not a bad association, by any stretch, but it could still cause some teasing over the name. Other than that, it's not a bad name at all. I like it.
Sounds kind of ridiculous as a person's name... My friend has a dog named Finn.
A name should have more character than this. How dull and blank! If you want to give a nationality name then how about 'Dana'.
I love the names Finley and Finnegan, so it makes sense that I also like this name a lot. It makes a great nickname for guys named Finley or Finnegan, of course, but it works just fine on its own. It has a very pleasant sound, and it's short and simple without being too minimalist or youthful. Great name, like Brynn, which is another monosyllablic, pleasant-sounding name.

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