Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I pronounce it fee or el uh. I think it's really unique and beautiful. Fiora would make a good nickname along with a few others that I probably wouldn't use.
Such a beautiful name! I love this name, 100% would use!
I think Fiorella Rue would be a cute combination!
This is such a sweet name! This website isn’t the first place I’ve seen it though. My mother’s friend and her husband named their daughter Fiorella a few years back. Later they opened a restaurant and named it Fiorella as well. I’m not sure Fiorella suits their little girl as she is a feisty little thing and definitely not a “Little Flower” as her name suggests. They call her Fio. This is one of the most beautiful Italian names out there.
This was the name of my mom's maternal grandmother, who was an immigrant from Calabria in southern Italy. I barely remember her, but I think I would like to use this name to honor her.
Fiorella is a darling name, uncommon but would fit in well with other '-ella' named girls today.
The name is just too cutesy and feminine, like a character from a picture book geared towards little girls. I think that this would be an adorable mouse name, though.
Fiorella is such a pretty name, and it's a shame that it's not so common, in fact I've never even heard of a person with this name. If you wanted something delicate and unique this would be the perfect name.
It's a very pretty name, but I can't quite get past the fact that this is the name of a clothes store in Oulu, Finland, which is where I was born and where I lived up to age 7, after which I have basically visited the town several times. The store itself has only been there since my teens as far as I know, but that's the association this name has for me. The name sounds a bit over-the-top as well, but I must admit it's very nice.
I really like this name. It has a beautiful meaning ("little flower") and is very exotic-sounding. It also looks very feminine and gentle on paper; it retains this when spoken, but also gains a sort of strength when verbalized, too. Given the fact that it is a rather unusual name, and would probably be mispronounced frequently, I probably wouldn't use this name as a first name, but I'd definitely consider using it as a middle name.

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