Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Basically a nice, solid, not too popular name, but it sounds a bit too much like "flattery" to me for me to really like it. It's all in my head though, so I can't see why this name shouldn't be used.
Flannery Flannery Flannery, what a name! There's nothing like it. You could call em Flann, like the dessert but if you can't speak Spanish right. That's all I have to say!
I’ve never heard of this name before but I don’t like it at all. It’s unusual but lacks elegance.
I quite like the name Flannery. The "Flann" part of the name reminds me of the Irish name Flann (which Flannery is probably related, considering its name roots), but it just seems a bit more feminine and "complete" (if that makes sense?) to me than Flann.That said, it sticks me personally as more of a girl's name than a boy's name, though that's just my impression on it... if I knew a guy named Flannery, than I'd probably see this as more of a unisex name.
I think it's a pretty, classic name, though I don't know if I prefer it for a boy or a girl.
Who in their right name would call their DAUGHTER "Flannery"? This is an extremely ugly name. It sounds like a object. Like flannel. It also to me sounds like a disorder like "ah no can't, sorry but I have flannery". It also reminds me of the word flab and floppy. Ew. No.
Flannery for a girl is a lovely name, particularly as a middle name, but I think the trend of using surnames is pretentious unless the name used is actually a family name. I have to disagree with DiDi who is aghast at naming a girl Flannery - at least Flannery doesn't walk though life asking people to call her by her cup size.
It makes me think a lot about flannel and a little about flan. Surnames as given names, even when they are adapted, are degrading because they establish a child's status not as an individual, only as a member of a group. Everybody already has a surname that establishes the membership position. Anyway, if you Anglicized 'Flannghal' and gave it to a boy, not a girl, since it's a boy's name, that would probably be a good idea.
I actually find this name good, but a bit tacky. (I like this name for a girl better).
I like it for a girl.
I think Flannery is beautiful. It is young and vibrant and calls to mind classic names like Felicity and Ellery. It also fits in with the current surname as first name trend. Refreshing!
Masculine as it is, it will always seem feminine to me just because of Flannery O'Connor. I think it's sort of a cool name, really.
Who would name their kid Flannery? I hate it.

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