Floretta Dukes McKenzie (1935 – 2015) was an American educator and civic leader. She served as the Deputy Superindentent of District of Columbia Public Schools and as the Assistant Superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools until she was elected as Superintendent of the District of Columbia Public Schools and as Chief State School Officer of the District of Columbia. In 1992, McKenzie became the first African-American elected board member of the Marriott Corporation and was the first woman to serve on the board who was not a member of the Marriott family.
Floretta "Doty" McCutcheon (1888 – 1967) was an American professional bowler and activist. She is widely regarded for her professional achievements as well as work in popularizing bowling among women.
Floretta Allen Curtiss (1822 – 1899) was an American phycologist, whose significant collection of algae specimens was ultimately donated to the United States National Herbarium. She has been described as a "trailblazer", and as "Florida's most indefatigable phycologist.
Kinda country girl -ish, but okay.
I don't mind this name really; in its entirety, overall, it's not bad. I mean, at least it's not boring and generic. :)
Pronounced flo-RE-tah in German. [noted -ed]
It sounds like a brand name to me, and the ending is far too common in old-fashioned American country girl names.
I adore this name! It kinda sounds like Florida (a USA state), but I love the name's spelling.

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