Gwydion... a noble name to honor your place of birth, and the place you will return to once you are done here. In an enchanted forest where roots delve deep into the soil and branches reach toward the heavens, Gwydion stands as a guardian oak, its leaves nervously trembling in the breeze, its heart lushly thumping. This name is a reminder that, like the ancient trees, you can weather your inner storm and stand tall against the passage of time. What a delightful way to honor your earthly roots! A wonderful way to give back to the earth.
Welsh pronunciation.
Too Many Cooks star Gwydion Lashlee-Walton.
Gwydion is the name used by the protagonist of King's Quest III. He was given the name by the evil wizard Manannan, who kidnapped him as a baby. Gwydion's real name is Alexander. (He's the son of King Graham and Queen Valanice and the twin brother of Princess Rosella.)

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