Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Such a lovely name. It has a lot of depth to it and has a cool backstory as well. To the people who said it's ugly, you're the ones with an ugly personality and are quite judgmental.
This name is pretty, but idk if I'd use it on a child because of the associations with witchcraft, demons, the underworld etc.
Really pretty name. :)
I think this a very ugly name. Besides, some will pronounce it "Heh-Kayt" which kind of sounds like Heck it with a Miranda Sings accent. "Aw, Heck it!"
So ugly. I think of a witch with black warts. Yuck!
Makes a good witch name paired with Hermione.
I love this name! I used it for a character in a Harry Potter fanfiction I'm writing. It's very pretty in my opinion, though I don't think I'd name my daughter this. A little too obscure.
When I read it was pronounced "HEK-e-tee," I immediately thought, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!" Not sure how I feel about that.
It sounds great. I like the history, too.
This has been one of my favorite names for a long time! I have a thing for dark goddesses. They're amazing. In my novel, the main character's name is "Hekate" and I changed the pronunciation to "Heck-tay". Kinda silly but it fits the character.
I love the name Hecate but I would pronounce it heck-it, regardless. If it was pronounced He-ka-tee or however, she might be called Katy or Catty and though Katy is a cute nickname, I would hate that.
I love this name, it's so unique but I don't know if I, or anyone, should name a child this. It sounds better for a cat, like a familiar to the "witchy" name.

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