Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ah yes beautiful daughter BATTLE WAR.
Just a great name. Strong, mature, maybe feels a little bit harsh, but it has something powerful in it, elegant. Also really rare, not used much, probably not many people have this name. Hedwig is beautiful!
My Oma's name is Hedwig, she's Bavarian born. I've always liked how original it sounded.
I think that Hedwig is a very pretty name, as it is given to the owl in Harry Potter. The movie that Hedwig dies is the saddest one yet. Although in the times Hedwig is alive, it's good. I do not know any people called Hedwig. I only know Harry Potter's owl.
I absolutely love this name, and I'm not too sure why. The Hed- part is very pretty for some reason. The German pronunciation is wonderful, and the Anglophone pronunciation isn't too awful either!
I love the name Hedwig….. it's my middle name and I like it because it's different (my other names are very common right now). I was named after my great-grandmother and I love how it's so strong. Hedwig is a nice part of me that I can call up when I feel like I need strength and it's a deep part of my identity.
I love this so much! But "head-wig"... I dunno :/
I can't separate the name from Harry Potter's owl. Even knowing historic figures with the same name, my mind still strongly connects Hedwig as only ever Harry's snowy owl. Which I guess is what happens when you grow up reading Harry Potter!
This name is like something to do with hairdressers when you think about it.
My Grandma told me one day that she was going to be called Hedwig because she's part German. I really like the name. It's pretty and feminine but in a unique way.
It would have NEVER dawned on me as a German name. I am rather fond of German names because they're interesting and I have German heritage.

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