Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A beautiful name, but, in the U.S. at least, I feel like a child with this name would be made fun of. Maybe as a middle name instead? It is very pretty.
I made an account just to comment on this. Sometimes I feel like my name is quite weird, and I've gotten a lot of comments on my name. Like people don't understand that my name is a name and that it is normal. In Norwegian my name is pronounced Hell-eh. So it depends of how you would pronounce it in your language.But I like my name and I can't see anything bad with it.
I mean no offence to anyone named Helle but I laughed when I saw it. It made me think of friends of mine when I was little who couldn't say "hell". That's how you would pronounce this and it probably wouldn't go over well with the majority of people.
Reminds me of hell. May not be pronounced that way, but...
Now that is a cool name! I personally think it's pretty, but if I had a child I wouldn't name her this. You know, I wouldn't want her to be made fun of that sort of thing.

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