Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A nice alternative to Susannah with a religious meaning.
I think Hosanna is a gorgeous name with beautiful meaning, depth, and history. It's unique and rolls off the tongue smoother than still waters. I love it.
Pretty name.
Nice name.
I love my name, but it's a little annoying how so many people spell it with an "h" at the end.
This name is very unique, but the first two letters bother me now. Sanna is also a nice nickname, and I feel like this could be a good alternative to Susanna.
Well, from my user name you can tell that my name is Hosanna. I am very proud of my name and I have gotten a lot of complements on it. I have been called "Ho" or "Hosie" a lot, mostly by my family though because they were trying to shorten it. I've also had a lot of people spelling it with a J. Over all though I love my name. I do like the "Hosheanna" pronunciation, but I like the original spelling better.
I like the pronunciation because I love the nickname Zannie, but (sorry) I hate how it looks. The S in this name seems unattractive to me and really stands out. It's just my opinion though, don't listen to me :P.
If my name was Hosanna, I would be quite annoyed. At school we have to sing hymns and one of them is called 'Hosanna'. Imagine singing that every day with the name of Hosanna?
Interesting. I'm just not sure it's a good idea to put "Ho" in a girl's name.
I was really suprised when I learned this was actually a name, because when we went to church when I was a little kid and we sang songs with the phrase "sing Hosanna" in them I always thought it was talking to someone named Hosanna and when I asked my parents who she was they just laughed. I really like this name! I would consider using it. It's so beautiful!
I think that pronouncing Hosanna as the given pronouciation Ho-ZAN-ah is rather unattractive. I prefer Ho-SAHN-ah.

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