Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Why turn a boy name into a girl name by adding 'lyn' at the back?
It's easier to remember the spelling so I kinda like it a little better then Jacquelyn.
Whenever someone mentions this name I think of Jack Frost as a girl, fun loving and carefree
I love this name.
It does differentiate with the elegance of Jacqueline, however, Jacklyn is more practical and casual and easier to read/spell once you see it.
To all of you that say my name is spelled wrong... pretty sure my mom is more creative than yours.
This spelling really ruins the elegant and sophisticated air that the almost stuck up-sounding Jacqueline has, but an elitist name is always better than a trashy name. To be fair, this name will not be pronounced wrong, and the ''Jacque'' in Jacqueline is also a masculine part, like Jack is in Jacklyn, but well, the original name is French anyway, so there's a difference of some kind, right?
Jacklyn is my name and it has served me well. I was named after my father, Jack and my mom's brother, Lyn. So you see, there can be more than just not knowing how to spell in chosing a various spelling for a name.
What a terrible thing to do to the beautiful, dignified, elegant Jacqueline! Something tells me that whomever chose this name did not even pass spelling in school.

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