Comments (Personal Impression Only)

At 54, I've been meeting quite a few people named Jerome. Thus far, I'm the only one carrying it with a mild mannered behavior and not aggressive nor overly assertive as most whom I've encountered throughout the years. Divinity is what I realize in my name.
Mentioned to someone that I thought this would be a nice name for a son in the future, and the person I was talking to cracked up telling me it's only a name for a black man, which wouldn't be the case for me unless I adopted... But if you look at the history of the name you certainly don't need an African background to use it. Still, if you live in the US and aren't black and use this name for your son, be prepared for possible confusion.
It's a shame this name is so underused. I personally find it very attractive.
Personally I find it unappealing. I prefer similar names like Romeo etc.
Handsome name.
Jerome Silberman. Better known as the legendary actor, Gene Wilder. He passed away today at the age of 83 due to Alzheimer's complications. Best known for his roles such as the original Willy Wonka and Young Frankenstein.
I actually really like this name. It sounds simple and flexible, but also strong and masculine.
Sounds like a grouchy Jewish dentist.
This name is pompous, pure and simple.

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