Comments (Pronunciation Only)

The correct pronunciation is Jo-a-kim.
Portuguese pronunciation: [Zhoo-a-keem]. Even though the name "looks"/spelled similar to Joaquin (Spanish), Joaquim (Portuguese) is a completely different name and is often confused with Joaquin.English (American) pronunciation: [Jo-Kwim] the "a" is silent.
The Portuguese pronunciation is [zhoo-uh-KIN] (the final 'im' has a nasal sound, identical to the first syllable in the English word "king").
I've heard it pronounced wah-keem. The Amish pronounce it yo-kuhm.
This is pronounced "zho-ah-kee". It can also be spelled as Joaquin.
Tigerlily's correct, it's "zho-ah-kee". I mostly hear it pronounced zho-AH-kee, with a slight "n" sound at the end, but that's hard to get (or even hear for a lot of people) unless you're familiar with the Portuguese language.It is not to be confused with the Spanish JOAQUÍN, pronounced "wah-KEEN", like Joaquin Phoenix.

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