Comments (Personal Impression Only)

For me, it is a nickname given to me by my parents when I was born. My middle name is Joe. So when people find out that "Jody" is not my real name, they always ask how it got to be for me to be called "Jody." I enjoy the look on their face when i tell them it is short for "Joe."
A nice, unisex name. I think it’s very natural and wonderful sounding; a top-tier name.
Prefer it for girls.
I think it's adorable and it'd be nice to see on a little girl. It's dated but I still like it.
I think it would be cute to name a boy Joab or Joseph and call him Jody.
Jody Mills is a character on the television series "Supernatural."
I really, really hate this name. I knew an awful girl with this name that has forever tainted my opinion of it. Otherwise, it's a perfectly decent name and I actually rather like the name it's derived from, Judy, although I like Judith better.
If it is a variant of Judy, then it would be cool to name a girl Judith and call her Jody. Though Judy is very pretty too. When I was little, I had a babysitter named Jody and I think it's a warm, affectionate name with a lot of spunk. I only like it for girls.
As I previously stated on "Jodie":
Unless it is strictly a nickname, I personally hold nonexistent favor for the name "Jody."
Beside the fact that I feel that it is infantile, the "D" (in this case) morphs it harshly."Judy," on the other hand, I am quite fond of.
I think it's hip, and, yes very pretty. Jody Sweetin the actress from "Full House" the tv show is the only Jody I am familiar with.
I quite like this name. It is youthful and sophisticated, and is also not too long. I prefer it on males.
My name is Jodie and I've always been proud of my name. Maybe it sounds too "American" but it's nice in some way.
Much more of a boys name with the y on the end. I personally really like this name, due to the fact it is short but could suit any personality.
I haven't actually heard of guys named Jody, but I have heard of women named Jodie, so I find it a bit difficult to associate this name with males. I don't see why this name wouldn't work for males in the sense that the name sounds like Coby and Cody and other boyish names like that, but the trouble is that it really sounds boyish rather than manly. That's why I think it sounds better on females, as it doesn't sound so immature on them.
I think the name Jody is more for a boy than a girl, I have heard of Jody for both sexes, but I think it is more for the male than the female.
I like this name for a girl, my favorite spelling is Jodie. I have only seen this name as girl usage.

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