Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I’m not sure, it sounds like Kaya, a coconut jam.
So pretty! I think it goes beautifully with a more masculine or unisex middle name, eg Kaia James, Kaia Alexis, Kaia Franklin.
Good feminine alternative of Kai.
Kaia is a very beautiful name for a girl. I've met girls with the spelling Kaya and I like that as well. I can't decide which spelling I like better. Some combinations I like are Kaia Vivian, Kaia Jade, Kaia Jaye (ninjago, I know...), Kaia Marie.
It's just OK. Feels like an attempt to create a less common Maya. Meh.
Cute, but I agree that Kiara is much prettier!
I prefer Kiara also, although they are both really pretty!
It's fine. A little pretty, but something about it turns me off. I don't even know what it is.
Gorgeous, although I prefer Kiara as well. So pretty!
I thought Kaia originally was a female version of Kai. Imagine my shock when learning it's just another version of my name. So to get straight to the point I just imagine someone really chill, like a beach babe type. I love the combination Kaia June, it makes me think of a beautiful and relaxing scene. I love it! It's my number 2 girl's name.
Cute, although I prefer Kiara as well which is stunning.
Pretty, although I prefer Kiara. They are both beautiful names!
Love this name! More mature and unique than Kayla. I love the sound of it!
Its okay. Better than Kayla.
This name has wormed its way into my top 3 and I love it right now. If I were to have a girl, it would be Kaia, and if a boy, I would use Kai :)
I loved the name Kaia so much that I gave it to my daughter 16 years ago. I heard it from a Hawaiian friend and pronounced it as Kai-ya.
Tacky, but this and Kaya are the most acceptable spellings. Kya, Khya, Kayah, etc are just horrible...
My husband came up with the spelling Khya for our daughter "Khya Paige".
This name is cute for a little girl, but doesn't grow up well. I have a hard time imagining a 45 year old woman named Kaia without laughing.
My name is Kaia and to the above anonymous person, I can't see hitting 45 and having my name being a problem at all! I struggle to think of a time when I've told people my name and haven't been complemented on it. I'm 28 and find having an unusual name has been nothing but an advantage in my life. It's an excellent conversation starter!
Short and sweet. Love this name, especially, the spelling!
I really don't like this name at all. The sound of it seem clunky. This spelling is pretty, but all others (especially when they incorporate a y) seem a bit tacky to me. It's gaining momentum in popularity as well, so I imagine in a few years it's going to become pretty overused.
I love the name Kaia! Though, I myself personally prefer Kyah. One of my best friends is Kyah Noelle-and I think it is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL combo. Its sweet, mature but not harsh, and is full of spunk and originality. My friend Kyah is the only Kyah I know or have heard of. I'm glad it's not too popular, because this is a name where some of its beauty is spawned from the pure originality.
This is my all-time favorite female name. Simple, beautiful, and not very common. I also love that it's derived from Katherine, one of my other favorite names.
'Kaia' is a simple, but lovely name. It sounds like the name of a little girl who is cute and loves helping people!
This name is too pretty. I just love it.
This name has grown on me, it's actually quite pretty. I would spell it this way and pronounce it KY-a.
I love the name Kaia, it´s so pretty. Kaia is my favourite spelling of the name, I don´t like Kaja and Kaya that much and especially not Kya.

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