Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful, great meaning, history, and nicknames. This name embodies all of the perfect traits that I see in a name, 10/10.
What a charming name!
It’s a real nice uncommon name. I’m surprised it's not used much more.
Kamaria is my middle name and I love it! My full name is Jamila Kamaria which means "beautiful like the moon" and I have always been told it's of Swahili/Arabic origin. It makes me feel connected to the moon, anything with the moon I get jewelry, paintings, I even have a crescent Moon tattoo. I'm 35 and I actually met a little girl about 2 or so and Kamaria was her first name, her mom said she never met anyone else with the name.
My name is Kamaria and I love it. It makes me stand out from "regular" names. Sometimes people say it wrong but it makes me unique.
My name is Kamaria but I go by Mar and yes, I was always told that it meant "like the moon" also. And I've always loved my name because I never meet somebody with my name.
My name is Kamaria and I've always been told it was Swahili and meant "like the moon".
That's the only meaning I've ever known. I'm now 38 years old and I love that my name is gaining some popularity and I can actually find websites with discussions around it ;)
I love this name, it sounds so romantic and exotic. I really like it, I had never heard of it before now. Hmmm...another name to think about.
I really like this name. It's exotic sounding yet not one of those names you hate introducing yourself as because it's always pronounced wrong.

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