Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name looks like another spelling of Kylie to me.
How does this name even phonetically function? Isn't "eigh" supposed to make a "ee" sound, but here it makes an "ei" sound. Is Kayleigh now supposed to be pronounced "Kay-lei" or is Keighley supposed to be pronounced "kee-lee"? This name makes no sense.
My name is Keighley and I love my name. It has never caused me any problems and I find that most people like the interesting spelling. I'm 40 and my name suits me just as well as an adult as it did in childhood.
Makes the name Kaylee even worse than it already is.
Worst spelling of the worst name ever, Kayleigh comes a close second.
I hate it even more than Paisley and I’m telling you now, I absolutely despise that name.
This is going to make a four year old's head explode. Be nice to your kids, don't give them names they will most likely have trouble with.
*HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*Just when I thought Kaylee couldn't get any worse.
Gross spelling.
Hate the spelling.
Horrible, tacky, dumb, and unprofessional. Do you want your daughter to be taken seriously? I mean *chuckles* Kayleigh, Kaylee, and kayleah were already bad enough but it looks like some genius decided to make up this horrid spelling. Listen, it’s a PLAIN JOKE nothing would make this name better, this name is crap. Why not go for something prettier like Nora, Emily or Eleanor? So much classier and more beautiful underused names out there, yet names like this take away the spotlight.
I named my son Keighley and pronounce it Kiley. It came to me while I was carrying him and I still love this name as it reflects my celtic roots. He is a grown man now and hasn't ever had any problem with his name. I personally think it is quite masculine.
Adult owner of the name Keighley here! (And shocker, it hasnt ruined my life!) I love my name. My only regret is that I can't use it again on my own daughter. Yes, it is constantly misspelled (especially by family members) and mispronounced ALL the time, but it becomes normal. It's second nature to correct or just go along with it. It makes me proud of my Irish heritage and so glad to be unique. I meet so many people who tell me "I'm going to name my daughter after you."
One downfall is definitely privacy. With not so many Keighleys in the world, it's much harder to hide. A simple google search pulls up everything.
While I want to stick up for my amazing name, I like its rarity. Lets keep it our little secret! ;)
What the... Is it pronounced kaylee, keely, or Kylie? Doesn't matter to me, I hate all three of those trendy, cutesy names personally. This is absolutely dreadful to the eyes and the ears.
What a horrible variant of the "name" Kaylee. It's so stupid and babyish! Most of our lives are spent in adulthood, not childhood, and a name like Keighley is not going to look good on a grown woman.
I love the name Keeley, but this spelling of it looks very tacky. It's a little long, and there are endless pronunciation possibilities. Keighley looks like it was made up by somebody who tried to be original, which I respect, but it looks like they tried too hard. Definitely not my favorite name.
This looks like a terrifying variant of Kayley, to me. As previous comments suggest, it seems it would be a nightmare to get anyone to pronounce it favorably.
Keighley is a fanciful spelling variant on the name Keeley or Keely. I did a lot of research on this old Gaelic name and it has existed for a long time. I didn't make it up, nor is it pronounced Kaylee (or Keithley). My daughter loves her name!
I knew a woman when I lived in England with this name. The sound and spelling of it is so beautiful. I kept it filed away in my head for 8 years, until I had my daughter and bestowed the name upon her. Very few people can ever pronounce it correctly, and she'll very likely never find a badge in a shop with her name already on it, but nearly everyone who hears (and especially sees) the name is dramatically impressed by it. Vive le Keighley!

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