Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is a cool and handsome name. It's not feminine in my opinion.
Kenneth is a very handsome name, and it deserves attention.
I personally think of Kenneth (Ken) "Hutch" Hutchinson from "Starsky & Hutch".
I personally think of Kenneth Cole, the designer & activist. It's not a name you hear often anymore. I know once upon a time, this name was in the top list. I'm not crazy about the nicknames Kenny or Ken, but Kenneth is handsome & timeless!
I was given the name Kenneth even though my parents were German and Swedish. I believe at the time this name was very popular although it is near extinct in Canada now. I have never liked the name because even at an advancing age I get Kenny (mind you I am of short stature and smaller frame). I had to shut my brother down who called me Kenny for years by calling him Keithy. In today's very modern world it is also considered a gay name. But I was unaware women used the name until my pharmacist this past year.
I love this site by the way; I am a writer who finds it invaluable for name searches from any country and meanings are very important in Character names. I have used it also for new born names of new family members.
I have always liked the combo Kenneth Wayne. Kenneth sounds masculine but not intimidating, friendly but not gushy.
This has always been one of my favorite names. I love it! Kenneth James would be a strong combo.
Well, my name is Kenneth. I work with the public in my job and every time I encounter a Kenneth I have to ask if they are a 'Ken' or a 'Kenny'... it seems that they are either one or the other whether they are 6 or 60. My mom says I was adamant at 4 that I was 'Ken'.. not 'Kenny'. I come from Norwegian and Scottish descent... named for my great uncle who died as a fighter pilot in WWII. My surname is German and happens to be a 2 syllable word that sounds just like a Japanese word. Add 'Ken' to it and my name can be written in 3 kanji characters.
I'm sorry that some of you encountered people that were arrogant snobs or jerks... but, to not like a name based solely on the people you've met that had that name? And to assume that people with that name have low IQ's seems rather shallow and illogical considering people don't generally choose their names, they are given it at birth... So, to judge someone based on a trait they have no power over seems... bigoted. I don't know what your names are, but I wouldn't assume that anyone that has the same names also feels it's necessary to make derogatory comments about names in an attempt to boost their egos or think that they are all suffering from low self esteem... actually, I think I know why you found them arrogant and snobbish, they probably got a whiff of who you are and treated you accordingly. The word 'ken' in Scottish means 'understanding or range of knowledge' so, to have a low IQ would be a weird sort of irony.
It's okay.
Nice, strong name for a boy.
This can also be a unique female name too. Feminine usage was impacted in the central 1900’s. I think the diminutive Kenny would be better as a female legal name, but Kenneth would sound cute too! I don’t mind boy names on girls, but at the same time I love girls' names. I think I would go with Kenneth Tiana or Tiana Kenneth, I don’t know. Some people hate traditional boy names on girls, but they should understand that that is a special gift for us women in our society. I don’t know about girl names on boys. Boys aren’t usually original on names by switching the gender of a name up and naming a boy Elizabeth because they think they’re too masculine to have any name fit them, pretty much any name can fit a girl, just like how not many boys like EVERY color of the rainbow, compared to girls, but still this is a trend to help women stand out. I keep thinking in my head “You have to give a girl a strong name just like how you would to a boy. How can women be strong with weak names, XD however I still want our baby girls to behave to gender role types and dressing them up all girly because, no matter if we want them to be strong and have delicate or strong names, we still want them to look girly and beautiful until they make their own decisions, because appearance probably defies your gender, actually I said too much and I think parents should do whatever they want with their kids."
I also love the creative feminine forms of male names like Jacobine and Richarda. They’re cute!
Who said feminine names can't be strong? You're kind of being sexist by calling masculine names strong, and feminine names weak.
I’m not being sexist at all! There are commenters on Behind The Name who made these comments I used for my major comment on Kenneth. They have inspired me, but you’re right, I was a little too inspired. It’s not me who thinks girls need traditional masculine names to be strong and tomboyish, it was a commenter from Ryan who said something about how women cannot be strong with weak names. That user who said that about Ryan, she was trying too hard. I agree with you. Girls and women can be strong and powerful noble women with traditional feminine names like Julia and Elizabeth. But either way, whether someone says they’re going to give a girl a boy's name to suit her tomboyish nature in the future or the other alternatives, the parents are just going to dress their daughters up with any name in girly and pansy princess clothes and a bow and take a picture, because most little female toddler clothes are dresses and bows. But my last comment was too much like that commenter about the name Ryan. You can give a girl a boys name if you want her to grow strong, but it can still work for a girl with the name Sophia. Besides, some girls with boy names fail to be tomboyish and rather just act very girly and feminine, because a name doesn’t always affect your personality as your life goes on. A girl named Mason could end up as a princess, and a girl named Hannah could end up as a sporty tomboy. It is kinda sexist to say that a girl with a feminine name could make her a very weak and wimpy girl. How do you know that a girl named Hunter won’t be wimpy.Karen is right, girls can grow up to be strong women with traditional feminine names, not just with traditional masculine names. Also masculine names on boys also help them grow up too. Even if a male is named something feminine, it doesn’t have anything to do with whether they grow up to act masculine or feminine, though you shouldn’t name a boy Princess. I’m saying men and women are equal, though I’ve seen women get more freedom, but men still get to do pretty much anything in life.So forget my silly comment about what I said about how women need masculine names to be strong. I used to think it was inspiring but now it makes me want to scream “trashy sexist”! I respect the boy name on girl trend, but I don’t want all of the boy names to be taken over by us girls.
I think I love this name. It's an unusual name for a Spanish speaking country so it makes it sound great as it is foreign and you can have fun at people saying it wrong!
My father bears the name, and I like it because of him. Though I probably would never name a child this, I can see the appeal to it. I think it's something a child can grow into a man with and has a few cute nicknames to choose from as well.
I despise this name. Sure it sounds nice, but I've met at least four different Kens in my life and EVERY SINGLE ONE has been a rude, snobbish, arrogant jerk.
I think 'Kenneth' would make a great name for a boy. It can also make a great middle name. I love the name 'John Kenneth' and would consider it if I ever had a son. Very masculine, mature, handsome name!
I can't say I like this name, but I think the nicknames Ken and Kenny are okay. I think it's the ending sound of Kenneth (-ith) that I don't like.
A little common, but handsome nonetheless.
This is a great name for a boy. Very classy and handsome sounding. "Ken" is a nice nickname also.
It's a good, strong masculine name, but I'm not too crazy about the potential nicknames "Ken" and "Kenny".
I personally love this name as it happens to be my brother's. It gives me the impression that the bearer is strong and courageous, and I love the meaning "handsome!"
Come on, this name isn't that bad. It's not one of my favorites, but it is a rather handsome name. I'd rather see a little Kenneth than another little Justin, Joshua, or something like Cody or Aidan. And you can't say it's not a classic, being that it is so old. At least it's not creative or trendy.
I have to say that I agree with the last comment. In my honest opninion, I think that Kenneth is probably one of the worst names around. When I picture a guy named Kenneth, all I can think about is this stuck-up, annoying and arrogant jerk with no sense of humor and a very low IQ.
I hate this name. It isn't original, it isn't classic.
It's just such a typical name. No originality.
Hate this name for some odd reason! It just reminds me too much of the Ken doll, and I never really like Ken anyway.
Although the name Kenneth is nice, if you plan to name you son this there's a good chance his girlfriends will be nicknamed "Barbie". I have a friend who dated a Kenneth.
Kenneth is a great name to grow up with, Kenny to Ken or Kenneth. I hope to name a son after my father, because there aren't enough Kennys anymore. I worked at a daycare recently and no Kennys.
I think this is a nice name for a boy. I am very fond of all the older male and female names. Great name!
I know a lot of people with this name. It's a nice name to have! I love this name. It is the best in this world!

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