Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is totally gorgeous! Why isn't it more popular?
Oh this is so beautiful! I prefer this spelling. The meaning is nice.
This name sounds flowy and totally unique!
Hello everyone. My name, Kerensa, came from a Victoria Holt novel that my Grandmother was reading when my mom was pregnant with me. In the novel, the character "Kerensa" was a poor young girl that worked most of her life until she met a prince and became a princess. The name is also a Cornish name that means "Love". I absolutely love my name and I am the true meaning of Kerensa.
My mom chose to spell it Korensa! Growing up I didn't use my real name until junior year of high school. But now, I ABSOLUTELY love my name. It's weird that the one girl said her nickname was Kenzi though because that was mine and I never understood how or why she got it though. Her answer was the kids pronounced it like Kenzie. I don't know how but whatever, it stuck. The spelling- I've only found 2 other people have the same.
I always feel very special to bear the name Kerensa. Frankly speaking I have never met anyone with the same name in real life and it makes me feel bad at times. Most of my friends call me "Kay","Kenzy","kk" or "Kere". It's not too hard to pronounce the name, even my granny pronounces it perfectly. I love my name.
My name is Kerensa but spelled Kernsa. It’s such a beautiful name.
Beautiful name, can't understand why it is not used more often. I also like the alternative spelling 'Kerenza'.
I was going to name my first born daughter Kerensa Colleen but sadly, I had two boys and never got to use the name. But I worked with a man whose granddaughter was named Kerensa. Her nickname would have been Kere (Cara).
This name is so old-ladyish.
I love this name. The meaning is nice, and it's the name of a short-lived alter-ego of the heroine in my novel. I'd definitely name a daughter Kerensa, because it's unique but legit.
I think this is a beautiful name and I think it most certainly should be used more often. :-)
Very beautiful and I love it! My only concern is that it's unheard of where I live and I think others would think the child had a cre8ted name. I love the big classics so that bothers me a little.
I had a student named Caerensa once. I'd never seen it or heard it before. Definitely an interesting name.
Wonderful alternative to Karen (which is very common), and a bit more formal. I like it.
Very pretty and unusual. I don't know why, but Kerensa makes me think of the sea, and the colour blue. It also reminds me of "cadenza", which is Italian for "cadence". Though I really don't like Kerry as a nickname for Kerensa. In my opinion, Rensa and Ren are much nicer.
I love this name! It's so pretty and it has a great meaning too.
This is a cool name.
I love this name, it has a great meaning too.

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