Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Good name for a boy.
My dad’s name is Kevin and I think it is an absolutely awesome name! Good on kids and sounds great as an adult. I really think Kevin is a great name for your kid if you're looking for a name!
Well to me this name is mostly associated with actors with allegations against harassment, Kevin Spacey and the former voice to Elmo, Kevin Clash.
I like the name Kevin. I think it is strong and classy, but also youthful and sweet. I love the beautiful meaning, and the Irish history. I also appreciate the association with Kevin McCallister from Home Alone. Although I would prefer it for a boy, I do think it could work for a girl. Overall, I think Kevin is a pretty cool name.
I knew a female Kevin growing up, she took a lot of flak for it. She was the last child of a family with five kids (all girls) and her dad had decided he was going to get Kevin Jr. Even if it meant giving his daughter a common boy’s name. The other kids were brutal. As an adult she now goes by her middle name. Kevin is a perfectly fine name for a boy, but please reconsider using it for a girl. If for no other reason than to spare her many years of getting dunked on for her name.
My Dad's name was Kevin. I like the name. It makes me think of someone smart, strong and masculine all at the same time but silly and humorous too.
I think it’s handsome, grounded, and attractive. I love the meaning. Reminds me of that “We need to talk about Kevin” movie though.
Sounds like a nickname for a kid, couldn't imagine this name on an adult man.
My best friend has feelings for a boy I know named Kevin! One of the things that drew her attention to him in the first place is because of the awesome name! She highly recommends this name for handsome, kind and promising boys.
Kevin is a cool name. It sounds like the name a nice, level-headed and chill person would have. Not a cool person, not some hotshot, just a nice, average dude. I appreciate the name Kevin.
Yuck, very unattractive.
Kevin is a good name. Solid choice.
I really like this name. It is on my list of 'hot names' (basically meaning I find this name attractive). Also it's my go-to name for gay characters (mostly due to Archie comics' Kevin Keller). Why are some people saying this name reminds them of chickens...?
Nothing much to say. Just awful. One of the most boring names.
All girls need to have their own names! Please give your daughters proper feminine names!
Kevin is not a feminine name. It's a masculine name. And I also apologize if I was rude and for being judgemental.
Since when is Kevin a feminine name?
Good meaning.
The most attractive male name.
Kevin isn't a bad name at all.I could NEVER picture a girl named Kevin.
Kevin is a handsome name and it's good that it's dropping in popularity. I feel bad for any girls with this name.
It’s okay. It’s really common where I’m from though.
Actor Tommy Lee Jones who played Agent K in that movie "Men In Black" made that name Kevin really strange! So why use that name Kevin when you know that name Kevin is very strange due to that movie "Men In Black!" I'd suggest not using that name Kevin when you have a baby son! Name your baby son Kelvin NOT Kevin!
Kelvin is way better than Kevin! Isn't Kevin a bit childish compared to Kelvin? Tommy Lee Jones should have played Kelvin in that movie "Men In Black" NOT Kevin!
First time meeting a girl named Kevin, LAST TIME meeting a girl named Kevin.
Anyone who has watched Men In Black, the movie released in 1997 would agree with me that the name Kevin is strange because of the character named Agent K in that movie!
All of y'all haters back off Kevin is a great name and it doesn't mean anything bad!
I really like the name Kevin! Like most other names, I do not advise that you try to spell this name with some weird variation. Like Cevin or Keven.
I love the name Kevin. There are actually a surprising amount of Kevin’s that currently attend my school, which is a surprise because I never thought it to be such a popular name. I like it because it is not too overused.
I really like the name Kevin! I think that it is okay to have some girls have boys’ names, but I think Kevin is going a little far. It is a nice, classic, and very masculine name. It seems almost a little strange and confusing to be named Kevin, as a girl. All the Kevin’s I have met have been super nice.
Ridiculous as a girl's name- what is wrong with *actual* girl names? It isn't "yooneek" or "cre8ive" to give a girl a masculine name, it's just silly. Anyway, Kevin is a nice sounding *male* name, but unfortunately at least half of all Kevins I've ever known were jerks. So that has kind of ruined the name for me.
Quite a good name.
I generally like this name, but what amazes me most is how widely-used it is in non-English speaking countries. There's something appealing about how this name sounds. For a man.
To me, Kevin is a name like Bob or Joe. It's very generic and unremarkable but somehow at the same time inherently funny and unusable.
Kevin is such a lame, bland Asian name.
I love Kevin so much. Kev is super cute. Here in the UK, it's considered really dated, but I just think it's a wonderful name.
This name does have trashy connotations in France and other countries in Europe, though I don't think it's as bad as a lot of the other foreign names used here (I'm looking at you, Jaden and Wyatt), and I do have a few friends with this name (all born and raised in France).
It's not a bad name, however for almost every T.V. show or movie I've watched there's always a bad guy named Kevin. Just putting that out there.
Sounds like the typical name of a douchebag, but that's probably because it makes me think of the guy from "Edward Scissorhands"... horrible name regardless.
Whoever has this name is most likely white trash, like that oildriller Kevin Federline.
I don't like this name very much. It has no originality to it. It's just name Evan but with a "k". I would never name my child this.
Whenever I watch TV, I hear the name Kevin used in commercials. There's always some boy named Kevin. The next time you're watching commercials, keep an ear open. And now there's a minion named Kevin, so I see my name on billboards everywhere.
I think the name Kevin is sexy! It reminds me of Kevin from Backstreet Boys.
If you think Kevin is a girl's name, just name your girl Richard. Really. Kevin is a BOYS name. I never really liked it, but it's as boyish as it gets.
Kevin is an amazing & awesome name that sounds so strong, masculine and manly. :D Kevin is a HOT name. There, I said it. :D I imagine a really handsome guy in my head when I hear this name.
I have this name, and I've never really been a fan of it. It sounds so pompous, elitist, and boring, like this guy is the killjoy at every social gathering, bragging about his 6 figure salary. The kind of guy who wears a suit at home and at bars he drinks some sort of exotic crud with eight different types of fruit and very little alcohol.
I think the reason I never liked this name is because I don't think it "feels" masculine at all. I never imagined it as a girls name until I actually heard it used for a girl. It was like an "Oh!" moment.
Kevin feels feminine. Definitely could cross-over.
I personally LOVE the name Kevin. I'd probably name a son this. Although, I've never MET a Kevin.
I used to be in love with this name. I have no idea why. It's so boring.
After watching Pixar's latest film, "Up," I've decided that Kevin can, under some circumstances, be a feminine name. Such as when you name a weird bird on the spur of the moment, and later find out that the avian you christened is, in fact, a female with a nest of hatchlings. Do you change the name, or leave it as is? Needless to say, Kevin stuck, and I now find myself able to say "Kevin" and "she" while referring to the same individual.
I always thought of Kevin as being a sort of skater dude's name.
Although I've known plenty of nice guys with this name, I still hate it. It sounds like the name of the son of a stereotypical white suburban family. And for some odd reason, some Europeans have been using this name to try to be "exotic". Yuck. And the worst of all is the association with Kevin Federline, aka "K-Fed", Britney Spears' ex-husband.
I do not like this name. It sounds like a guy who would be a jerk. I don't know why I think this because I have never known one who was.
It's not such a bad name per se, but it always manages to make me think of really dumb jocks, frat boys, and such. I suppose watching Daria may have given me this impression for good, as the character Kevin was a dumb jock.
Kevin is one of my favorite traditional names. Usually I try to stay away from traditional but in this case I'll make an exception.
I don't like this name, it sounds like how people say que ven in Spanish which means (what you looking at).
I love this name, it has to be one of the best guy names out there! I think the name sounds very handsome.
I have never met a Kevin I didn't adore. So I named my first born son Kevin. I loved the old CBS cop show "Night Heat". The main cop's name was Kevin O'Brien. I thought it sounded like a cool name for a guy no matter his age. It is the best name!
Kevin is one of the best boy's names out there. I can't believe how this name has died out. I don't see the name at all in the younger kids anymore. None in my boys classes at school.
Kevin is a sweet, gentle name. Perhaps this is my impression due to the fact that the Kevin I know is shy, rather quiet, and quite intelligent.
I know a Kevin and he is nothing at all like the meaning. He is nothing near gentle, he is rude and vulgar. When I think of the name Kevin I think of a sort of person who is rough around the edges.
I have always loved the name Kevin. It sounds strong, masculine, handsome, fun and caring. Kevin is an awesome name.
Every Kevin I've met's been a nice guy. The name itself has a friendly ring to it. Its Gaelic ancestor however sounds mean and scary. BEWARE CAOMHIN.
Kevin is a great name, it just happens to be my husband's as well. He spells it Kevan and gets it spelt and pronounced wrong all the time. He would prefer it Kevin.
I love this name. In fact, when I was about 8, I told people this was my name.
I am married to a Kevin and what I have found in life is that no matter what Kevin's get a bad rap. They always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get in trouble even if they're not guilty. They have a quick temper and feel that they are not taken seriously. Every one I have ever encountered has been handsome with that cute child-like appearance. They always seem up to something. I think they are great and need extra special attention.
My name is Kevin and I don't exactly require special attention. I just favor it. Boyish good looks and a bad habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time do seem to be symptoms I suffer from though.
I think this name is too boring.
It's a great name: friendly, traditional yet also modern.... its virtues are endless.

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