Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The "curse" sound in the first syllable stands out.
Reminds me of the word "thirsty".
Kirsty is too easily confused with Kristy, and both names are deplorable.
People must be thinking of ballet with this name because it sounds like the word curtsy.
Just hearing this name makes me happy! Kirsty sounds like someone bright, adventurous, fun, and most of all GORGEOUS!

But I knew a girl called Kirsty and she did ballet and her teacher would always say her name, and she always used to get confused because her name in ballet means “Bow” so she didn’t know if she was calling her name or to bow, in the end she quit even though she was so good at it! If your child is called this on the safe side maybe don’t consider her doing ballet, unless you want her to quit.Still, a nice name.
I am a Kirsty whose few nicknames include 'Kirst', 'Kirs Kirs', 'Katie (why?)' and unfortunately 'Krusty'. Otherwise good name other than the meaning, 'follower of Christ,' not so good when you're an atheist :/.
Scottish name pronounced Kirst-ee.
For non Scottish people, I feel this name is somewhat dated - (peaked in the 80s in the UK).
This name was given to me in the early eighties and was not that popular (one other in the entire school and I happened to sit next to her).
It's an "okay" name. I do, however, prefer Kirsten.
My nicknames have been Kitty and 'Kirst"...
My name is Kirsty and when I meet someone and say 'Hi my name's Kirsty', they almost always say 'Oh hello Kristy' or something like that. It's so uncommon for someone to get my name right that I have a tally for who can get my name right. So far its only at 5.
I like my name though. I use to wish I was called Elizabeth, though, because Kirsty has NO nicknames except for the names one of my friends call me, KD (as in KIrsTY, pronounced 'Katie')Which I think is even worse than not having a nickname.
It makes me think of tutus and dark hair and little girls in fairy costumes and princess dresses. It's cute and unique for a little girl, but doesn't age very well.
I don't really like the sound of the name Kirsty. It reminds me too much of the word "thirsty". :/
This is my name, I don't like it AT ALL. It feels very pretentious.
I've never been too keen on this name, mainly because it sounds like cursed and thirsty. On the other hand, it seems more of an adult name than other K names, such as Kelly, Katie, Keeley and Kylie.
It is my name and I like it. I'm really pleased my parents gave me this name, but as a child I hated it!
Kirsty is a beautiful name. I don't know anyone with this name. I also like the spelling Kirstie.
My name is Kirsty and I have never really liked it for some reason. It is also a fairly common name now.

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