Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's fine, though I personally don't love it. It just feels a little plain and juvenile, though I can tolerate it as a nickname.
I prefer this name as a nickname for Christopher. Therefore, I don’t personally like it as a feminine name.
Kit is the name of one of the characters in the Disney+ Willow series, played by Ruby Cruz.
My name is Christina and, while growing up, my mom called me Chrissy, which I hated. Now that I'm an adult, I go by Kit. It's much less dated than Chris/Christy/Tina, etc. And I figure if Christopher can be shortened to Kit, why can't Christina? It's a great name for either gender. Just lovely all around!
I love it - as a nickname for Christopher, but especially as a stand-alone name meaning “fox cub” - how cute is that? Short, sweet and spunky. I fell in love with it when I read Frost Hallow Hall by Emma Carrol, in which a main character (a very attractive ghost) is called Kit. A great name for a boy, and I am also partial to it for a girl.
Ehh, it's fine. Not really a boy name tho.
It's good as a nickname.
As a nickname Kit is nice and cute on both genders. As a first name it's a bit too simple for me, though.
I actually took this name as my preferred name after I came out as nonbinary! I love it - I picked Kit because my username since I was 8 has been Kit_nine, based on my cat, who was the cat we fostered, and the Warriors series, which called kittens kits! Everyone online calls me Kit because of my username, and I liked that better than my birthname, so I went with Kit!
Cute but I only like it for a girl.
Kit sounds like for both genders. I think it's fine.
I love my name :) I'm so happy my parents chose it, and I couldn't think of a more fitting name for me. I like to go by Kitty as a nickname.
I like it on either sex, especially for Christopher.
I like Kit! But I can only see it for boys, for some reason. Maybe because of Kit Marlowe.
Kit Kat’s is all that I can think of when I hear this name. Hmm... I want to eat this name!
I don't know why some people think Kit is a bad name for a boy. I'm a boy named Kit and I think it's a great name for boys as well.
Didn't know this is a nickname for Katherine and Christopher.
Kit is a very cute name but I like it more for a girl! It’s very soft and feminine! Reminds me of kittens. I can vaguely picture Kit on a boy, but I still like it better for a girl.
Sooo much better than Kris!
I love it as a nickname for a boy, but I can't find a good legal name for it. I'm not into the name "Christopher".
Great name, it's a great nickname for either gender. Kit for a boy sounds handsome and outgoing, and Kit for a girl sounds friendly and smart.
I like it, but "Kit" also means "cat" in Ukrainian, so I don't know if that's good or bad...
My name is Kit and I love my name! I'm female, but I believe that the name can be used for anyone, regardless of gender.
Forever wishing my name was Kit. :')
My name is Kit and I love my name!
Kit works as a male name though I think most people think of a female when they hear it. I've known a couple of Kit's and they've both been fun loving, if a bit sophisticated people. I have a very close male friend named Kit, I would call him childlike and sweet, yet still in a masculine way.
Not really a good nickname for boys. Even though Chris is way too common, it sounds better than Kit. I'd still much prefer Topher for any boy named Christopher.
This is a girl's name in my book. It's a nice, sweet, short, spunky name but I don't have the courage to ever use it. Kit: Kit-kat. Kitty. Kitten. Kitchen.
I really like Kit for females only. Anyone else?
Such a cute nickname for either gender!
Not good for a boy. Just call him Kate.
Kit is a word used to describe baby beavers. I love beavers, so I wouldn't recommend this as a legal name. It's more of a nickname.
Kit on its own is one of my fav names ever, don't ask me why!
My name is Kit! Actually, it's short for Katrina. But I think it's an awesome name and I would never change it. I like it for a guy, too.
I love the name Kit and I have no idea why. It's just so cool. I think it's an abbreviation of Christopher?
Forget Kathy or Kate. Kit is my favorite nickname for Katherine! Oddly I like it for a boy too. I once knew an adorable male Kit.

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