Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I have to say I can’t stand this name. I first heard it after someone I knew called their boy Koen. I think it sounds really harsh and brash. It sounds strange but I can’t imagine someone kind being called Koen.
I really like this name. It is a shame that some people assume that it is connected to Kohen/Cohen and thus offensive. Different cultures often have similar sounding names with different meanings. However, giving a child a name that a certain percentage of the population will be offended by seems burdensome. Not sure.
My brother's name is Koen, very unique I love his name and it fits really well with mine and it is getting a bit more popular but no one has the same spelling however we don't pronounce it koon we say köen [pronounced ko•IN]
Awful name, regardless if you pronounce it as Coon or as Co-en (Cohen).

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