Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name was rated similarly to my own name. Kyra, pronounced "kai-ra" is the best pronunciation because it uses the same vowel of Cyrus, which it is related to. The meaning and spelling is cool as well.
Definitely like it the best pronounced Keer-uh.
Ughhhhhhh a girl with this name is soooo annoying but like also really fun so I kinda like this name.
Absolutely horrid when it is pronounced KIE-rə, the other pronunciation is ok though.
The name 'Kyra' reminds me of a crybaby and a girl who likes snitching.
My best friend is named Kyra, but spelt khairah. I find her spelling much more attractive.
This name gives me the impression of a rude, snobby high school girl.
This name is beautiful and unique. I like how it's not too common, and I love the sound of it too. Although some people may pronounce it 'Kai-ra', I think 'Kee-ra' sounds much better: the 'e' sound is sharper and sounds more dignified than the 'ai' sound. A lot of the comments are saying that this name is childish and tacky, but I don't think that this name will ever grow old. I myself know an old lady with the name 'Kee-ra', and she suits it perfectly.
Actually a pretty good name. It's just unfortunate that the only Kyra I ever came across I happen to not care for. That association aside, Kyra is a very beautiful and stunning name to use.
My dream name. It sounds elegant and could fit any age.
This name is growing on me. I think it makes a neat middle name. It's a cute, attractive first name. I like Kyra and Kaira.
I honestly don't like this name that much. I think it sounds too childish and I can't imagine seeing this name on someone past the age of 10. Sorry if it's your name, I just don't like it :/
My name is Kyra and I pronounce it as K-eye-ra. I don't think that there is a correct way to pronounce it, as both pronunciations have different meanings, origins, or significance to the name bearer/parents. Also, those who do not have this name shouldn't say what is the correct way to pronounce it, as it is ours to decide. I think the name is nice pronounced both ways, though of course I am partial to the K-eye-ra way. If your name is Kyra, or if you're deciding to name your child Kyra, just know the hazards that come with it, as it will most likely be pronounced incorrectly, like, a lot. Just be sure to make it clear that your name is pronounced the way it is, and don't let anyone pronounce it differently. This name has to come with a lot of patience and understanding because inevitably someone will say it wrong, but it's still a lovely name and I'm proud to have it.
My name is Kyra and I love it. Although sometimes teachers will call me Kira and it really annoys me.
I pronounce it like Kee-ra. Kie-ra is a silly pronunciation.
Kira isn't bad, but this is just stupid. Why do people need to replace I's with y's all the time?! No one will know how to pronounce this name anyways; when I see it I want to say Kai-ra. However, the only person I know with this name pronounces it just like Kira. Which seems incorrect to me. Then it just sounds like a cutesy, little girl-like butchering of Kira rather than a separate name. I don't really think I can see an old woman with this name either... Maybe Kira, but not Kyra.
I think Kyra is cute when you're young, but as you get older it gets a little tacky.
To counter everyone else, the only Kyra I've ever met pronounced it Keera. Personally, I think anybody who can't see that Keera is also a valid pronunciation is just trying to fool themselves. 'Y' has so many pronunciations in English - how do you all pronounce Amy? Or Ysolde?I'm not really crazy about the Keyera pronunciation, but I love the Keera pronunciation. I like the sharper ee sound. And like that other person said, I can't help it, but I prefer Kyra to Kira. It's just some aesthetics thing I guess, have the downstroke of the 'y' balance out the up of the 'K'.On the other hand, I'd never use this name, 'cause the Kyra who I mentioned that I knew was mean and self-righteous. Since I disliked her so much, I just can't look at the name without shuddering.
This name is awesome. I love it. It sounds really cool and pretty. And it's uncommon where I live (I've never met any Kyras). However, I only like it pronounced the way it is spelt: KIE-ra. I don't mean to offend anyone who pronounces it KEE-ra, but I don't understand how you could get KEE-ra from that spelling.
I have to agree with most of these comments. My name is also Kyra, (form that rhymes with Tyra and Myra) and it is rather irking that people always pronounce it Keera. Seriously, if that's what my parents had wanted to name me they would have. I love how my name is pronounced. Everyone says it's unique like I am. It should be pronounced with a long I sound. Not like I'm saying ear.
My best friend's name is Kyra. I think it is a lovely and classy name.
I named my daughter Kyra. It's a beautiful name from old literature & looks pretty spelled this way, however, everyone pronounces it as K-eye-r-a, like a person with a speach impetiment trying to say Kyla. It sounds really stupid called out at the doctor's office. If I would have thought of that, I may have spelled it differently. I'm afraid she's going to hate having to constantly correct the mispronunciation of her name.
I pronounce this name KIE-ra, which is also how this site spells the pronunciation KYE-ra (to rhyme with Myra or Tyra).
I also have the problem with people pronouncing my name "Kie-ra", as my name is pronounced "K-eye-ra". I don't think it sounds 'stupid' either. I've gotten TONS of compliments. Besides, if you want your name to be pronounced "Kie-ra," you should spell it "Kira." Kyra is like Myra or Tyra, which makes a whole lot more sense. And yeah, it's annoying to have people mispronounce it, but it's a lot more interesting and unique to be named Kyra instead of Jennifer or something (no offense to all the Jennifers out there).
I would just like to add that my mother also had the same problem after naming me Kyra, although it was with people saying it "Kie-ra", as my name is pronounced "K-eye-ra". Honestly, I don't think it sounds 'stupid'; I'm quite proud of it. And although I've had people pronouncing it many different ways, that's half the fun! Your daughter, madame, will survive with mispronunciations, I'm sure.

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