Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Means Blessed. Also means Happy, Perceive. [Aware]
Unlike English names when translated could mean something not pretty.
This name is beautiful, it is widely known is Latin America. Some ignorants will dislike and make fun of this name, because they are used to common simple names. In other countries the name is given to children that come from wealthy or known families, for it is uncommon and unique. It has a deeper meaning than the parish founded by Macario and the Virgin Mary.
I am proud of my name because it sounds unique, spanish, brave, uncommon and I hope someone smart chooses this name for their daughter, for it is a lovely name❤.
Well, yes non-Spanish speakers, Macarena is a REAL name. But Macarena is a SPANISH name, and it's been a name way long before the song actually came out. In the song, the lyrics go 'baila tu cuerpo alegria Macarena' which means 'dance your body away, Macarena'.And I love this name, especially the way it's pronounced in Spanish. Of course you non-Spanish/Hispanic people wouldn't understand and immediately judge the name through the song.And I don't get how it's annoying. It's not like the Chicken Dance.

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