Maribel Ramírez (born Maribel Ramírez de Jesús) is a Mexican professional boxer. She has held the WBA female super flyweight title since 2018 and has challenged twice for the WBC female super flyweight title in 2012 and 2013.
I like a lot of combination names that include Mary/Maria, and Maribel is really cool. It feels rather informal, but at the same time has something elegant about it, perhaps due to its similarity to Mirabelle. It's also quite sweet and I think it would suit a woman of any age quite well.
Maribel is definitely not a typical Polish name, nevertheless, as of January this year, there have been 17 Maribels in Poland.
I guess a Polish Maribel could use the same nicknames as either Maria (Marysia, Maja, Mania etc. ) or some that would work for Isabel (Belunia, Belcia etc.). Maribelka also could be a possibility. A Maribel's Polish name day could also be either together with Maria (January 23, February 2, February 11, March 25, April 9, April 26, May 3, May 27, May 29, June 27, July 2, July 16, July 22, August 2, August 5, August 15, August 22, August 26, September 8, September 12, September 15, October 7, November 16, November 21 and December 8) or Isabel (February 23, March 16, August 31 and September 3).
I am an author of children's and young adult books. The main character of the book I'm currently writing is called Maribel.
Pretty name.
I wonder if this Maria Isabel ended up as Maribel. I wouldn't be surprised! Just spotted the item in an Australian newspaper of 1849 (The Perth Inquirer, 14 March 1849), well out of copyright:
"What's in a Name? — The Madrid Gazette officially announces the birth of the Duchess de Montpenser's child, and that she has been baptized Maria Isabel Francisca de Asis Antonia Luiza Fernanda Cristina Amlis Felippa Adelaida Josefa Elena Enriquita Carolina Justa Rufina Gaspara Melchora Baltasara Matea." The report in the Perth paper adds: "We hope the young lady will not be obliged to affix her signature in full on all occasions, as she will not in that case, unless of an amiable disposition, feel very tenderly disposed towards the memory of her godfathers and godmothers]."
Maribel from ENCANTO.
In the movie they spell it "Mirabel".
I love it a lot. Especially as a middle name.
Maribel Hearn from Touhou Project.
Maribelle (a variant spelling of this name) is the name of a character from Fire Emblem: Awakening. She is a somewhat snobby rich girl who is a close friend of Chrom's sister Lissa.
The name Maribel was given to 182 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Maribel Vinson (born 1911 in Winchester, Massachusetts) is a former American figure skater.
I like this name, it sounds pretty in Spanish though.
My mother's name is Maribel. I love Isabel but I dislike Maria, it's a very usual name and it's not original.
I worked with a woman named Maribel - she pronounced it mar-ee-belle.
The name Maribel is also a city in Wisconsin.

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