Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is a cute name.
As someone who's name is Mimi reading these comments really sucked because I love my name. Even though I'm not a cat or dog I can still be called Mimi and I'm not changing my name just because I'm older than a kid's age.
Mimi could be a nickname for Mavis, Myrtle and Mabel.
My actual name is Emily which I don't like much because of how common it is and because of the meme behind the name. ("Omg Emily you're such a crackhead" -_-). My nickname has been Mimi since I was a toddler actually. So one meme to the other I guess because sometimes people call me Memes. My mum calls me it too or Moo moo (She calls me Emily when I'm in trouble T-T). "Memes" doesn't bother me because they don't say it as a mean thing. People on here have been saying it's not a mature name but as others said, maturity is based on the person not the name. Anyway I'm biased but I think it's a good name and I felt special in primary school because no one else was called Mimi. (Side note: my little sister calls me Mimi the Meany whenever I refuse to play with her XD She also didn't know my real name was Emily till a little while ago lol)Anyway I've always wanted to legally change it to Mimi but after reading some of these comments maybe it's better just as a nickname. 0-0.
I really love this as a nickname and for cats.
Aww apparently a lot of Mimis get teased because it sounds like meme. I think it’s super cute! I know a lot of people who would die for Mimi to be their birth name.
This might just be the cutest name in the world. I love it.
This name is so adorable. It makes me think of one of my best friends, she's the sweetest person I've ever met.
Sweet as nickname for some other name, but as a full name it looks and sounds ridiculous and immature. Uninteresting.
Appropriate for a cat, not a girl.
Braggy. "Hey, me, me, me, me first!"
Love this one, very pretty and kind sounding.
My nickname is Mimi. I love it so much, I don't let anyone call me by my given name. My friends have come up with several affectionate nicknames for my nickname, including Memes, M&M, Mini, and Emmi. Whenever someone makes fun of my nickname, I say to them, "Would you rather call me Quetzalxochitl?" That shuts everyone up; my ace card.
I love this as a nickname for Miriam!
Mimi is a cute nickname, but definitely doesn't work as a legal name.
My ACTUAL real name IS Mimi, and I always get teased about it, cause it sounds like 'meme'.
Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly.
It would certainly sound like meme.
I named my daughter Mimi pronounced Mimmie after my grandma who was Maria but had been called Mimi her whole life.
We have never gotten a bad comment about her name. We do get asked if it's a nickname but other than that it's all compliments.
Sounds like the name of a whiny brat who never stops complaining and only thinks of herself. Please, skip this nickname.
I can't help but think of Rent when I hear this name. Her name was mentioned in 90% of the songs. Not that this is a bad thing, because I do have an obsession with the name Maureen, which this could be a nickname for. My feelings towards this name are pretty neutral.
I honestly cannot BELIEVE what people are saying about this name!"It sounds like a dog's name!"
I see this name more commonly with humans than with dogs. It could be either, you wouldn't stop naming kids Molly because it's a common dog name, would you?"It sounds like the name of a selfish spoiled little girl!"
Just because it is literally pronounced "Me Me"? I honestly didn't even think this until it was harshly pointed out. Your name does not define your personality!"It's a cute name for a little girl, but it isn't mature enough to be an adult name. People won't take you seriously."
Once again, whether you are taken seriously or not does NOT rely on your name! While it does sound like a little girl's name, it is a very pretty name for all ages.I am extremely sorry for my ranting. I love this name and I think it is beautiful! Anyone with this name is super lucky! It's not that common either!
Adorable nickname and unique actual name.
This is a pretty, AMAZING name for a girl! :D xx.
Well I have a beautiful daughter who is 6 years old and she is called Mimi. Many people might not like it but I think its perfect for her. People assume that it's a nickname but Mimi is her real name I it couldn't suit her any more. There is nobody in her whole school called that and she feels special. I think when she is an adult it will age with her. Whether she will be taken seriously or not will be more about how she conducts herself as an adult.
Could be a nickname for Marie :)
I like this name a lot, but I find it too cutesy at times.
I kind of like this as a nickname for Amelia, but I would only use it when the girl was young. I don't think it will age very well. So thumbs up for Mimi as a nickname, but at least give the child something to fall back on if they choose to have a more "mature" sounding name later.
This woman will not be taken seriously.
Too girly, cutesy, and infantile. I don't think someone with this name would easily be taken seriously. The name is so ditzy.
Can you imagine an adult with this name?
Yes, I know one. She is a nice, well to do woman.
I like this nickname. It's cute.
I think it's kind of an odd name. Besides, whenever I hear it I can't get the image out of my head of Roger in RENT singing "MIMI!" at the top of his lungs at the end.
I think this is an okay name for a person, but I love it for a pet! My friend has a siamese cat named Mimi. Get it? Because siaMESE and it sounds like MImi. So cute! :)
I think this name sounds stuck up and whiney. No offense to anyone, but it just sounds like a spoiled little girl to me, or one of those obnoxious little poodlepuff dogs.
My cousin's name is Naomi, and since we were little everyone's always called her Mimi (I think because when we were little Naomi was too hard to pronounce? Although her sister's name is Nicole but everyone calls her Nikki so it could just be their family likes nicknames). So I get a very positive impression from this name, and am a bit offended that people would suggest the name is "snobby" and "self-given", because I know for a fact that I didn't even realize my cousin's real name was Naomi until I was at least ten, because everyone ALWAYS called her Mimi. One really shouldn't assume without a reason. It could just be a nickname from a longer name that happens to end in "-mi".
I don't like this name, probably because of Mariah Carey and because it sounds like a cat's name.
My name is Mimi, my parents have always called me that. My real name is Mildred and I much prefer Mimi. My grandmother's name was Mildred and she was called Mimi but spelled Mimi.
I didn't like the name at first, but it grew on me. It's so cute and feminine, and even the sound is cute. Isn't it also sometimes used as a form of Mariah? I do think it's better as a nickname than a first name though, as it's SO cute that it only fits certain people.
I agree that Mimi is usually a name that a girl gives to herself. I know a girl called Aimee who calls herself Mimi. She isn't very nice and is selfish so I guess "me me" is appropriate! Don't call your daughter this name!
Mimi sounds like the name of a cat to me! It is not mature enough to be taken seriously, but can be cute when you are little.
Mimi is usually a self-imposed nickname. The kind of person who wants to name themself MIMI, is almost certainly the type of person who needs a square punch in the face. This name is horrible. I think you might as well name yourself BEEATCH.
Awwwwwww. It's so cute. I love it! It's just so adorable! My sister's name is Melanie, but I call her Mimi.
My friend's name is Mira, but I call her Mimi.
I hate this name! It sounds like a poodle! Don't give this name to a kid, it's too cruel!
Awww! What a cute name. :) Reminds me of a bunny or sanrio stuff. :P

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