Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love the name Nolan. It sounds both sophisticated and cool. I envision someone who is educated and studious, but also likes to relax and have a good time. Also the meaning (chariot fighter/champion) is pretty epic. Overall, a great name.
I find this name very ugly.
Nolan is a name that I used to not like. I mainly didn’t like the “No” part since it reminds me of the word “No”. However, Nolan is a pretty cool sounding name. Not to mention, it’s very unique where I am.
As a person whose name is Nolan I don’t get why people prefer it as a last name, but otherwise I’m glad my name is exotic like my personality,
And overall a good name that is masculine, urban, and Irish-American like me.
In my opinion, it sounds more like a surname than given name. I've never met anyone named Nolan in my entire life.
It sounds like a name which is really common but it isn't; I've never met a Nolan before! But, based on reading some books, Nolan is often used for a bully's name :(
I don't care for it; it sounds vaguely medicinal. It reminds me of band-aids. And the pronunciation is really unsatisfying.
Very nice, handsome name.
Very handsome and classy. I know only one person with this name.
I feel like this is a name that everyone has heard, but doesn't actually know anyone with the name. It's a nice name nonetheless.
Very classy and charming.
I do like Nolan slightly more for a boy than a girl.
I think this is an "old man" sounding name. For some reason, it also sounds like the name of an unintelligent redneck with buck teeth. It's a good thing that this name isn't very popular. The only thing worse than calling a boy this, would be to name a girl Nolan- that would be horrible.
Means yellow in Korean (nolang).
Finally! A good, strong masculine name that people aren't slapping on their poor little girls!
Such a cute, handsome name. ^-^
Nolen is a beautiful name. One who cherishes friends, family, and heritage.
My brother's name is Nolan. Nolan is a name that is practically unheard of here where we live. People always think his name is Noah.
When I hear the name Nolan, I think of Casey Stoner's helmet. Really.
I like this name, because it's very simple for us Italian people of South Switzerland.
This is my first son's name. I love that it is of Gaelic origin and it is a handsome name for a young man and older man.
I love the name Nolan. I think it would suit a little boy very well and then it would age well also. This is another favorite name of mine.
I don't know why but lately I have been very fond of this name. It's cute for a little boy but not in the way that you can't picture it being an adult's name.
I would never call a child Nolan. I know too many people with this as a second name.
I love this name because it's my boyfriend's name. Haha. I do like it though. It's fantastic.
Nolan makes me think of a guy who picks his nose, but over that, it's a nice name.
I like this name, it's very athletic sounding.
Nolan is a great boys name. It sounds strong, intelligent, and rugged. It isn't over used too which is nice.

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