Nymphodora Semenova (1787 – 1876), was a Russian opera singer. She was engaged at the Imperial Theatres in 1807-1828, during which she had a successful career and referred to as the elite of her profession of her generation. She was the sister of Ekaterina Semenova.
I prefer the name Menodora, meaning gift of the moon. There's something so pretty about this name though, I wish it was more usable.
I love it as a middle name.
Nymphomaniac. Nuff said.
I don't think this name should count as that of a Harry Potter character. Tonks's name is spelt Nymphadora not Nymphodora!
I pronounce Nymphodora as [nɪm. Fə.ˈdɔɚ.ə]Or (for those who don't know IPA) [nihm-fuh-DOHR-uh] where:
"nihm" rhymes with "dim"
"fuh" is like the first part of "fun"
"dohr" is like the word "door"
"uh" is like the "u" in "fun".
Nymphadora Tonks, a Harry Potter character.

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