Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't dislike this name, however, I would feel bad for anyone with a name tied to incest, no matter how accidental. Freud ruined this name for everyone.
Decent pronunciation - but pretty unusuable.
This name has an interesting background, but isn't something you'd want to name your child.
Ugly and has a rather negative association with a story from Greek mythology. In the story, Oedipus ended up killing his father and having children with his wife/mother (unknowingly, but still).
I don’t know about y’all, but I rather not name my child swollen foot! If I met somebody named this, no matter how sweet or nice they were, I just couldn’t be their friend. Haha.
You'd have to be insane to use this name on a child. It's an ugly name to begin with, but the jokes would be very nasty indeed.
I LOVE this name! However, it's legendary, and should never be used as a name for a child. After all, would you enjoy thinking that your child wants to marry his mother and murder his father? Keep in mind that Oedipus had children with his wife / mother, Jocasta. Eww. Great name, though! Fabulous!

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