Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I would suggest using Aurélie or possibly even Aura-Lee or Oriana instead of this name.It unfortunately sounds and looks a lot like "orally" and I had to hold back a chuckle when I read "Keeper of the Lost Cities" because I found it so out of place in a book aimed at a young audience. They will obviously not get it but it still seemed inappropriate.
It's a lovely name, but unfortunately people have filthy minds and won't take this spelling seriously. Use Aurelie instead.
I think the spelling Orly is better.
If you want your child to get teased for the rest of their life go ahead and name her this.
I snickered when I saw this.
It's hilarious that my cousin decided to change her name to this. I can't take her seriously anymore.
It would be beautiful if it didn't sound like "orally", and the word "oral" is understood in many languages. I think you should go for Auralie or Aurelie instead.
I don't quite understand the hesitation shown towards this name expressed in earlier comments. My great grandmother was named Oralie, and she was a wonderful, lively, brave, and strong woman that lived to be 104. I've always liked this name, and I think I'll always have a very positive impression of it. For some reason it has always reminded be of birds and gold. It has great euphony.
No offense, khadri, but you must be the only one. 99% of speakers of any Indo-European language see “oral”, and their minds go straight to the gutter. Name your daughter this, and she's guaranteed a lifetime of merciless and embarrassing teasing. Pretty much equals naming a son Dick, and at the very least makes growing up extra tough.
I much prefer the original Aurélie to this variant.
I can see this name being scrawled all over the boys bathroom. Parents: Step away from the name!
NO! If you love your daughter and want to protect her well-being, DO NOT GIVE HER THIS NAME! Think of the jeers, and teenage boys would take this as a challenge.

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