Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So handsome. I can imagine it on any age too.
My name is Oscar and I quite like the name. It's definitely in my top 3 best names. By the way, I've seen many comments saying "Don't let Oscar the Grouch ruin it" but I liked Oscar the Grouch. When I was a kid, he was my favourite character on sesame street. I idolised him for about a year until I found out he was not real.
Cute. Great name for an actor.
This is a cool name. I've also heard it on a lot of pets.
Honestly, this name should work for old men not for children.
My name is Oscar, and tbh I think it's a pretty cool name. (mostly because it's mine) I'm 10 years old and someone in the comments called my name dull so if you see that comment please downvote it. THANKS!
I think Oscar is a good name. Oscar the Grouch does not matter. If your name is Oscar you're perfect like your name and don't let haters lower your self esteem. Keep being yourself and being awesome.
It makes me think of:
1. The Animation of "Oscar's oasis" which Oscar was a lizard and the protagonist as well
2. Oscar reward
3. The Brazilian football player.
I like the name Oscar. It is not my super favourite but it is definitely in the top 20. I like the O sound and it sounds good with a lot of last names. It seems pretty unique but not unknown and I have only met one Oscar and he was nice. It also grows well and Oscar sounds like a fun, energetic, silly person who is always smiling and is friends with everyone. Overall Oscar is a pretty good name.
If I am going to have a kid, his name is going to be Oscar. I will name him after Schindler.
Nice name, and wayyyy better than the ugly Omar!
Handsome name for a boy. Used by the Scandinavian royal families but of Irish origin from Irish mythology meaning ‘friend of deer.’ I hope to use this name one day!
Oscar was my first favorite name. My sister and I found it in our family tree, and we had a pretend fight over who would get to name her first son Oscar. My sister actually did end up calling her son Oscar! It is easy to say, and his nickname when he was younger was Osk or Oskie. It's so handsome and the meaning is sweet, but the name still seems a little playful to me. Not 100% buttoned up. The name will certainly grow with a person.
The name sounds as if it would make you want to be scared of the person.
It’s quite nice actually.
One of my favorites ever since I was little.
My preliminary thoughts on this name extends to its basic international appeal where it could be easily spoken by foreign relations from abroad. A cosmopolitan forename that would be easily understood and written by your impressionable
progeny if you decide on selecting this name for him.
While the name Oscar does sound a bit elderly, it also has a round, jovial sound. It also has many great namesakes - my favourite writer, Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde, Oscar Isaac, Oscar de la Renta, and the Academy Awards.
When I hear the name Oscar or Oskar I automatically think German or Austrian. It is a fine name if you happen to be from those countries.
Beautiful but kinda sounds like a name a three year old sissy would have.
I think this name is absolutely hideous! I would never in a million years consider this name for a baby boy.
I actually like the name Oscar. It's cute and uncommon and one of those names you don't hear that often. I don't know how well I see it aging. Regardless, it's a hell of a lot better than a lot of names out there. Also, don't let the Oscar The Grouch associations put you off using a fine name like this.
Reminds me of hot dogs and wieners, so because of that I don't like it.
My mom's youngest brother is named Oscar. The guy and his wife are huge hipsters. It does sound kind of like a hipster name, especially considering it's a staple of celebrity kids.
This name is too common in my opinion. I know four Oscars so it seems to be too popular. It's the new Tom or Steve, it's one of those trendy names like Jacob or Aiden.
Oscar is a very handsome underused boys name! The meaning and sound of it is splendid. :D I hate the Oscar Pistorius association and if I did use this name I hope not too many people would think of him. D: This name makes me picture Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street. XD I don't think The Oscars is a bad association though. And the writer Oscar Wilde is quite a cool namesake. Overall, I LOVE this name! :D ♥.
I would use this name in a heartbeat if it didn't make me immediately think of the Oscars award ceremony (a.k.a. Academy Awards).
This is my favorite boys name! It sounds so cool and I think it ages well, but that's just my opinion! Ignore the Oscar the Grouch references, Sesame Street isn't popular anymore and will be even less popular when your child actually starts watching tv and understanding stuff like that. When I think if Oscar I think of the academy awards (the Oscars) and Oscar de la Renta, which are great associations! I think Oskar is cool and daring but personally I would stick with Oscar. There are so many over used boy names out there, so please use this if you are seriously considering it!
Oscar is one of those names that has really grown on me, and I might just use for a third son. Oscar is a refined name, and I don't let Oscar the Grouch ruin it. It has a wonderful association with the academy awards and Oscar Wilde. I like the nicknames Oz and Ozzie.
No. I think of a grouchy old man who hasn't bathed in weeks.
This name is really cool. It's strong and practically oozes masculinity.
Oscar is one of those names that should strictly be for cats only, like Felix.
This name is growing on me. But just like with the name George, I can't picture calling my child it because it's so strong. Still great though.
The name Oscar is strong and masculine, and it sounds like it belongs to a leader. Unfortunately, many people will immediately associate it with Sesame Street.
Dude. Oscar the Grouch rocks. If I were ever named after a Muppet, I think I'd be kind of honored. But then I think that's because of a dedicated love to all things puppets and Jim Henson. Anyhoo. Oscar is a name with character. I can totally see this little boy holding broken pieces of a vase, telling you, "I swear I didn't do it." Yeah, he'll get into trouble, but deep down, he's a good kid.
I like the name a lot - it's not that common, but sounds strong and mysterious.
This is the name of my brother, and I think it's a good name. It's actually one of the most popular names in Sweden, but most of the time spelled "Oskar" instead of "Oscar".
For me this would just be a cute sort of name that one would associate with a furry pet or their great-grandfather, except for Oscar Wilde. He makes it awesome, somehow.
I think this name is nice, but due to association with Oscar the Grouch, I wouldn't use it because he loves garbage and garbage is gross.
Reminds me of Oscar the Grouch and I find it very unappealing.
I did have an annoying little dog named Oscar at one point. But I still like this name for a boy! It's really cute, spirited, and fun!
I think Oscar is a great name for a pet, especially a cat or dog. Not fond of it for a person though.
I really love this name. It's gorgeous, no? And it is an excellent name to make affectionate nicknames out of, easy to shorten. At the moment, it's a very, very popular name for pets. My own cat is named Oscar.
A wonderful name for a child with spirit.
This is a strong, robust name that has sadly begun to fall out of favor with modern parents.

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